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Terri Weaver
Terri Weaver, Wabash County Prosecutor's Investigator: I first met Terri Weaver in 1992, having been referred to her by a police officer.
When driving a truck for MWT/Roadrunner, Indianapolis, IN/El Paso, TX, some strange things happened. I'd opened a bank account in Indianapolis so to cash paychecks locally, living near Gilead, IN, having a Macy address. The bank had my account name as Todd Sle, rather than Todd Slee. Subsequently, several times when driving from the terminal at Indianapolis, a Chevy pickup truck would run alongside my truck momentarily, the model being an Sle. After a short time, a United State's Marshal approached me and tried to coerce me into undergoing an identity change, which I refused. I talked to a Wabash City or County cop, and he said I should talk to Terri Weaver. At that point in time I was tailed by whom I believe was Mandy Ogan, of Wabash, IN, but may have been who I later was told went by Tena, a confidant of Melessa Boggs [Eltzroth now, married to Todd Eltzroth]. I think that Terri checked it out and took care of it.
(In 1993 or '94, when investigating under Wabash County Sheriff Tim Roberts, a U.S. Marshal approached me a few times, trying to get me to go into a protection program. I declined and finally pulled my .44 on him, stating him that if he ever approached me again, I'd shoot him. I haven't been approached since.
Later, someone from law enforcement told me that she was involved with mafia people and advised me, for my own good, to not confide in her.
The next time I contacted Terri was sometime between 1995-98, over people in vehicles being intimidating after I'd make a report to the FBI or law enforcement. I'd make a report, and when driving somewhere, there would be certain people who would be going the opposite way, doing things to be aggravating or intimidating, doing weird movements and making strange faces [this is one thing the FBI in Colorado Springs, CO investigated during 1994-95, which method they started using as well, as has law enforcement; the Native Americans sometimes did this to the U.S. Cavalry, riding horses past them at arm's length, in the opposite direction, not raising arms and sometimes reaching out and touching them for a coup; none of those people in vehicles were Native Americans in full/affiliated with any Indiana tribe].
Terri checked it out, telling me so, and I saw her in a “caravan” of those vehicles a couple of times, and once said she didn't know what to do, but to contact her later. When I did, she tried to say that she didn't know what I was talking about.
Sometime between 1995 and 2006 ( I think it was after 1999), I wrote out a report of much of what I had previously reported to the Colorado Springs FBI [Neil Hoener], and after she read it, she was concerned enough that she said she'd definitely look into it. Later, when I checked back, she was hesitant to talk, and alluded that Hoener had stood on her to not delve into it.
After that, when I tried a few times to contact her, she wouldn't return any calls and when I'd stop in, she had the other office workers say that she wasn't in.
When Leroy Striker was sheriff, Terri and then Indiana State Police Detective Bob Land got onto a disagreement with Striker and both were forbidden to go back into the sheriff's department. I think that was 6 months into Striker's term and was over his refusal to heed the Freedom of Information Act.
In I think 1998, I spotted a wanted man listed on the Wabash County Crimestopper's listing and reported it, I believe giving my name. I was subsequently harassed while driving. I called Terri Weaver, as she was on the Crimestopper board of directors or some such position, and if I remember correctly, was laughed at. Also, after making the report, the man I'd reported saw me once and called my name, to attract my attention, but I didn't know the man other than from the Crimestopper listing.
In I think it was the 2000s, Bill Powell, formerly a long time resident of Roann, IN, told me that during the sixties or seventies, the Wabash County or City police responded to a report of a dead man, murdered, at a residence. When they arrived, the then Wabash County prosecutor and a few other officials were there just sitting around. It was alleged that the dead man knew of Wabash County/City corruption and was posed to blow the whistle. The then prosecutor was Terri Weaver's dad.
One time, some years ago, when respectfully confronting Terri Weaver about involvement with the mafia, she didn't deny it but did intimate so, and also implied a threat if I pursued it. I think this was during the late nineties. [posted 09/08/2017]
3-4 years ago, Joe Necessary, Roann, IN, now dead, told me that the Schepp brothers, Wabash City cops, used to call in to the police station anonymously or some such thing, about a robbery at such and such a place, when they knew they'd be dispatched to investigate, and then break into the store and rob it. One place was a jewelry store or a store that had expensive jewels there, which ended up going out of business due to that. [posted 09/08/2017]
Chrissy Seabolt Sluss? (until last year, I'd thought that her maiden name was Seibold or Seybold. She'd lied in 2009 while working at Papa Johns in Wabash, to me anyway, about her name. I don't know for sure if she and Matt Sluss are married, so Seabolt may still be her last name). Paragraph revised 01/26/2020
In 2009-10, while working at Papa Johns Pizza, Wabash, IN, I worked a lot with Chrissy Seabolt. We got along well, as I did with the rest of the employees, and she confided in me that her and her husband, Matt Sluss, had previously gotten strange phone calls. They reported it to the local police, who made light of it and accused them of making it up or imagining it. They hired a private detective, but he/she was unable to determine who had made the calls.
I told Chrissy that I had investigative experience, and would look into it if she wanted me to, and she gave me leave to. While doing a background check, I found some discrepancies in who her parents appeared to be, and asked her about it. She was dismayed, and ended up telling the supervisor that I was spying on her, thus I got reprimanded, but my explanation seemed to be accepted and I think that Chrissy got a reprimand. The manager then was Chris Rose from Huntington, IN.
After that, or maybe before that, Chrissy started acting a bit strange, as though I were some kind of a threat, and made some untoward comments a few times. One time, she said that she knew “some people”; another time she said that she ought to kill me. I reported the matter to the FBI, I think Colorado Springs.
Chrissy was then trying to pull stunts to make it appear that I was harassing/intimidating her, and I got tailed and observed by someone in league with Wabash City Police Officer Matt Benson; I learned later that Chrissy had reported her husband to the cops some time previously. I believe that she either doesn't think quite right or uses the fact that, according to her, she has OCD.
Chrissy told me that she once dated a Wabash City or County police officer, one who frequented Papa Johns, and that he acted unseemly toward her; given her actions, I question that at least some.
I'm not altogether sure that the Chrissy Sluss on Facebook and the woman I worked with are the same person.
Another thing that her and one or two other women at Pap Johns pulled is to accuse me of sexual harassment, I believe due to when I told the redheaded woman (can't recall her name; she was an assistant manager or shift manager) that she was “a beautiful hunk of womanhood”, in a plutonic manner.
At one time, the women and one male were showing each other pictures on their phones which were rather obscene, such as a male with a telephone sticking out of his rectum. It was after that they accused me of doing so.
I had met Chrissy previously, in/around 2006, when taking karate lessons from Jerry French, at the Honeywell Center in Wabash, IN; Chrissy showed up once or twice, but then said that she had met some people and didn't need to take karate. I asked her if it was some people who required that their members not smoke, and she either said or intimated yes (that likely ties in with the group that Melessa Boggs was wrapped up with). [posted 09/08/2017]