NOTE ON PHOTOS: I didn't think about it while chatting with "Rose", but some of her photos could have messages hidden within the photo, which I'm going to check. Seems like sometimes, instead of answering a question, she'd send a picture, but it didn't click with me until a few months ago, and I haven't had time to do forensics.

     Also, as far as I know, there is no way to place a date on a photo of when it was taken. However, you can determine on what date a photo format was created, and when and if it was discontinued, which can prove helpful in determining when a photo was not taken, helpful for figuring out approximate ages of persons.

This one below is also on a Sara Mack 'Facebook Profile' page, but it is evident that she is who is represented by a large number of Rose Jessy photos. There are others who I believe are "Anna Davis", which I'll illustrate later, after doing some more sorting.

Concerning 'Rose Jessy", I don't fully believe that the woman in the pics is the one I've been communicating with and, in fact, I believe that I have chatted with 2 different females, at least one of which may ply her craft with the highest bidder. Note: there is a woman kickboxer named Rose Jessy, who, to my knowledge, is in no way connected with any of this.

One of these photos to the right (I'll figure out which one later) resembles a teenager from Warsaw, IN who died this past summer, from suicide I believe. May be coincidental there, and I'll find that name as well and post it here.




     In short, while working at Zimmer-Biomet from December of 2016 through the end of March 2017 or so, an undercover female was pulling stunts, along with a main accomplice or two, probably responsible for my being unjustly fired, and I met the alleged 'Rose Jessy', the operatives' supposed leader, who initially contacted me under the name Sofia Thomson, on, which someone at Biomet suggested I try, after  being taken wrong by a female worker I tried to befriend, who was likely being mismanaged during undercover work. From that point on, it built to a crescendo, peaked at what appeared to me to be an attempted luring, by the operatives, into a place suitable for abduction or murder, going downhill from there and crashing into a wall.

     "Sofia Thomson" had a distinctive tattoo on the back of her neck, on her account, which caught my eye when I saw the profile photo of "Rose Jessy" on Facebook. I think I have a picture of Sofia, likely a fake name, which I will post when I can. Note that I did have matches or requests from women on, which I believe were not actual account holders, but rather women who superimposed a picture and phony account information onto the internet into the website, not probably the fault of the business "Rose Jessy" is, I believe, very nefarious and playing a nut and shell game with her identity (more on her as we go).




                                                    "Bay of Tarts" Introduction & Background

     During 1993, I worked for a Wabash City Police Detective for around 4 months, voluntarily and unpaid, as a free lance 
sleuth, in order to garner hours and experience towards private investigating. Due to sensing some corruption within the law 
enforcement investigation scene, though not with my superior, and refusing to help bust an old friend for marijuana, I quit, 
which was cordially mutual since I gave him warning, via intimation, granting him time to get rid of his plants, around 30 
small ones. I then started investigating for my county sheriff in late 1993 or early in 1994. He put me onto checking out 
nefarious activity by people within the informant networks, which enabled us to obtain a ton of crime. 
     It wasn't solely by informants that the crimes were taking place, which included fencing, prostitution, obstructing 
justice, hindering investigations, misuse of identity, intentional endangerment and probably murder. There was an illicit 
"constitutional" group that was heavily involved, as well as church members, some cops and a few U.S. Marshals who were over 
their protection program, coercing whistle blowers to enter "protection". The operation ended up becoming so big that the 
sheriff couldn't effectively handle it, and at the time, nobody would help, none of the feds. In June of 1994, an informant 
sent by a cop tipped me off that I was soon to be charged with a crime that I didn't commit. I soon after left Indiana and 
went to Colorado, contacting the F.B.I. 
     It didn't take long for the feds to get the false charges against me dismissed, and I remained with them, investigating 
further, being made a commissioned, acting street agent. The F.B.I. verified and documented the cases I worked and crimes I 
uncovered when with the Wabash City and County Police, but were unable to completely solve everything, largely due to refusal 
by Wabash County officials to turn over several key informants, who were either conspirators or at least could have testified 
against the culprits. Some of the offenders from Indiana were likely responsible for murder attempts against both my 
immediate superior in Colorado and myself.
     I returned to Indiana in March or April of 1995, after turning down an offer of employment by the F.B.I., leaving in a 
hurry without informing anyone, because of obvious indications that I was being set up for elimination. It was later 
disclosed that F.B.I. personnel from a rival field office were the ones seeking my death. Having expertise in detection of 
assassination setups is what enabled me to detect it before they were able to implement the activity which could have 
resulted in my demise.
     Endeavors to get cases resolved during the past 22 years earned me a lot of disdain from police and castigation and 
ultimate ostracization by the F.B.I., but I did gather an abundance of relevant data, most of which I'd reported to the 
Wabash County and City Police Departments, certain F.B.I. agents, U.S. Marshals and a couple of other federal agencies. 
Ultimately, I got banned from making any reports to the F.B.I. or the U.S. Marshals.
     Finally, in later 2015, I decided to attempt to get a certain federal agency other than those two, to look into previous 
cases, as the same exploitative conduct had been continuously occurring, including, as pertaining to myself, unjustly losing 
one job after another, which illegal and unconstitutional scheme was orchestrated by some F.B.I. and Indiana State Police 
people, and at least aided by city and county officers. People have been wrongfully "conscripted", crimes have constantly 
been committed by informants, much infringement of civil and constitutional rights have been going on and an abundance of 
collusion between church and state has been perpetuated.

     Here is the brunt of the 'Bay of Tarts', so named because the operation was primarily conducted by a group of women who 
acted more like a bunch of tarts than undercover operatives, probably expedient to the real life scenario, and; the situation 
much resembled the overlay of the 'Bay of Pigs' fiasco which occurred during the late John F. Kennedy's Presidency [as in, someone meant well and a need for intervention existed, but some of the managers likely had ulterior motives, the right hand didn't know what the left hand was doing, it turned into a bloody circus, and the U.S. became a disdain to the world:

     REVISED ON 11/05/2017; REVISED 11/16/2017

     I went to work at Zimmer-Biomet (formerly Biomet), Warsaw, IN, in December 2016 , having worked there about a year earlier for 2-3 months. It was going well, until a man showed up who resembled my former F.B.I. Superior, Neil Hoener, a Special Agent, which investigator could have been a proxy, and after that I was dropped a couple of hints, so I'd know what was going on, normal and proper protocol to them, rather than outright stating so [and that, incidentally, is a cause of a lot of misrepresentation, abuse, confusion, manipulation, undue controlling and domineering: see an article about non-verbal means of

Then, as has been the normally abnormal pattern, I started getting harassed (sort of) and slighted, mostly via sly and underhanded methods, rather than outright. Note that we have an array of charlatans in the intelligence and law enforcement arena, who are using uncalled for and devious methods by which to supposedly conduct legitimate operations, those means being a covert functionality of Socialism, intended to break people's spirit, the hoped for result being a type of neutrality, in order that select persons [ultimately everyone] will accept whatever doctrine our government and it's civilian subsidiaries pawn onto them [Daniel 8:11,12,24,25].

In my case, it has usually been a situation of the F.B.I. covertly causing me to be somewhat demeaned, therby placing me into an undercover status, in order to be a part of the lawless segment of society (who are generally not well thought of), so that I could, and had to, gather data about who is doing what in the darker side of the culture [when people talk about how the government exerts undue control, most have no idea just how much that is].

It's not hard for them to do. They drop a message to local law enforcement, a state cop, another federal agency; 'Hey, _____ _____ is into something we might need to know about, he's doing [this, that and the other thing], you might have your people keep an eye on him, let us know about anything suspicious'. Well, if you're already doing undercover activity, then Bingo!, ready made insta-hood. If not, some sleight of hand by certain people, like making sure they don't get enough sleep, castigation by hometown folks who have been told one or another lies, salted liberally with the erroneous, modern-day rendition of reasonable suspicion, and presto, another culprit.

If they want to shaft you immediately, they all know that a quick trip to your place of employment, flashing a badge and mentioning your name, will, as often as not, at least begin opening the door for your dismissal, if not right away. Unless you have a name, like mine, which is currently held by only one other person in the United States, then it is easy with many names, to find an identical first and last name which has a conviction record attached to it, and spread around that _____ ____ is susepcted of still being involved in crime. There are a lot of dirty tactics used by law enforcement and D.O.J. People, and the possibilities are nearly endless.

There are mutliple ways, both physical and intangible, by which to disrupt a person's life and cause their demeanor, attitude and thus, actions, to be altered, and they have that down to a science, a bizarre art form; we're talkin' instigation boulevard. Not to mention that feds, and now cops, are taught all kinds of things about how to secretly profile people psychologically, based upon signs, indications, quirks, characteristics and such, most of which can be synonymous with things far other than crime.

For example, job interviewers, and interrogators, cops and feds, look for behavioral manifestations, by which they judge a person's guilt or innocence. An interviewee is figdety, avoids eye contact, seems listless, etc., so there is, to the educated unlearned, something amiss. Maybe the person is awed by a chance to work at that place, is nervous because they really need a job, and has spent sleepless nights worrying about how they're going to pay their bills. There are many possibilities, but unfortunately, a lot of cops have the attitude that everyone is guilty of something, and they're out to nail them.

In that kind of scenario, the biggest difference between a lot of cops and a lot of feds is, the cops really believe that everyone is guilty of something, due to a mindset of wanting to pile up an arrest record, whereas feds know better, and are more prone to make it look like someone they want is guilty, bad ones being of a very manipulative second nature. Not all of any entity are bad, neither are all of any entity, government or civilian, good, but what has happened in America is the same thing that occurred in Germany just prior to, and during, the Second World War: a misinterpreted and extreme form of nationalism or, in other words, a zeal for country carried too far [see].

When with the F.B.I. under Hoener, from June of 1994 to March of 1995, in Colorado Springs, CO, the alleged, actual Neil Hoener had 4-5 proxies, which could have been brothers or cousins, bearing resemblance, though not identical, and they all used his name at times, which is standard operating procedure for security reasons and for an extra aura of covertness. My main superior went by “Blackjack”, his undercover name, which he quit using some years ago.

Note two things: the technology available to civilians has been in use by the government for many years prior, some say around 40 years, including federal agents, and; finding lookalikes for someone is relatively easy, via programs on Facebook and other websites.

After leaving Colorado in '95, having respectfully turned down an offer of employment with them [my stint with them involved being commissioned, but unpaid, and was of a semi-official status], Hoener and I kept in occasional touch for a number of years. Not long after returning to Indiana, Hoener told me that I needed to continue investigating, so we could try to properly close some cases. He'd told me once that once a person has been a commissioned agent, even an “acting” agent or officer, that person is always technically one, thus, subject to being recalled to duty.

To illustrate what an acting agent is, we can look to a true life example of a few soldiers who served in the Vietnam War. One I read about was drafted, graduated from training as a private, and went to war and served as a private. Over a few months, being in an especially “hot” and dangerous area of operations, that private ended up as the highest ranking troop in his company, as it was sometimes difficult to find replacement commissioned officers, likely due to red tape and other regulations which slowed down the process.

As higher ranking soldiers were killed, that private was promoted and moved up the proverbial totem pole at a rapid pace, finally being commissioned as an acting captain, carrying all of the same responsibilities, authority and duties as though he had graduated from West Point. At the end of his stint, he had the option of reenlisting and going to officers' school, being made a captain upon successful completion of training. An acting F.B.I. street agent can be endued with nearly full authority if the superiors so desire, if the need is there. I didn't usually carry much, but didn't generally need a whole lot for undercover duty.

I didn't mind doing more duty, as mine had been a uniquely rewarding experience in a number of ways, some of that “reward” sprinkled with a liberal amount of chagrin, upon reflection, or else at the time [reflecting, I wouldn't trade the experience in Colorado for much]. We needed to establish a pattern of aberrant and/or criminal behavior towards D.O.J. personnel and any potential witnesses to unlawful acts, and part of my continued duty was to work undercover in various factories, which I'd done out west in a few.

Howbeit much of my call after 2001 was coerced, pressured or craftily forced, particularly after 2006-2008, and eventually, nearly all of the information I'd ever submitted in reports to federal, state and local authorities was misused, and a substantial amount of illicit “conscription” has been conducted upon various people, both culprits and material witnesses, stemming from my reports [there was allegedly one or two very crafty operators of some entity who, along with helpers, threw a lot of cases and obtained a lot of new people for their informant and confidant network, illicitly, who were never quite caught with “gunpowder “burns” on their hands”; that could very well be key here, from 1995 to the present].

Work at Biomet was going well, and I got on okay, though the place wasn't a real relaxed atmosphere, but was of a nature suggesting polite political correctness, bordering on outright sociality. Due to the company's rules, not a lot of camaraderie seemed to exist except in somewhat guarded manners, but the aim was production efficiency, expected in a place of employ.

After a few weeks, I noticed a particular female, which I passed in the walkway, who seemed to be kind of down in the dumps some, maybe bored, so I greeted her, then chatted with her once or twice thereafter. I passed by her in the cafe once or twice, not wanting to bother her, but sensed an intangible air of disapproval, so the next time I stopped to talk with her. She mentioned that she was 24 years old, but considerably more mature than her age suggested, noting that she possessed qualities that are conducive to a harmonious state of being in domestic situations. I am 51, so a mite old for a 24 year old, but figured that she would be a good friend, maybe someone to hang out with on occasion. We talked a little here and there as time went.

A certain bearing about her indicated that she was likely in some kind of undercover status, and I well remembered how lonely it can be when in that estate. I thought that maybe she had heard of my previous experience in those endeavors, and might be needing a confidant, so I decided to feel it out.

She worked in the department right next to mine, and the parts my area did went to her work section next, and she was one who was recommended for consulting with about questions on product quality. The woman who trained me in seemed to find fault with most of my parts, so it worked out well, as guidelines on pass or fail were made more clear, contributing to productivity [note: I say that for lack of better terms, but my trainer's instruction enabled me to produce quality work, though the constructive criticism seemed to linger a bit longer than seemed fit].

Over a number of weeks, there were several things that I established, making it clear to myself that she was of a different station than most employees. She would leave the premises at break time, which was not allowed; I know because so did I. Sometimes, when I needed a clarification about a part, she wasn't around and from asking around, I believed that she was probably not on company property during those times; this and other signs were clear indications that was allowed/authorized to leave work for a specified amount of time in order to engage in investigative activity of some sort, a fairly common practice and sound protocol for covert activity, some sort of agreement made between one or another government or civilian entity and employers.

It's important to note that there was one other person in her department who was also recommended to enquire of about quality issues, but he told me early on to go to her for questions, or to him if she was busy or unavailable. He was more or less the head over that department, and innuendos from him at times suggested that he was aware of something occurring a bit out of the norm but couldn't or wouldn't say so outright.

I noticed that she seemed to hold considerable sway at work in her department and a couple of adjoining ones, as she was good at her job, but there was something else as well. She demonstrated some on the spot disguise capability, and I became unsure that she was only 24, her appearance being instantly altered to make one deduce that was actually in her early thirties. Many or most undercover people, officers and informants alike, rely little on prostetics, instead resorting to bodily and facial contortions by which to achieve the same effect, and she was one who was good at it.

I had been in touch with the C.I.A. off and on since around July of 2015, hoping that they'd look into some matters of abuse of authority and information by F.B.I. personnel, and when talking with her, she alluded to a few things which made it plain that was privy to some of my reports to the “Agency”. Due to all of these things, seeing her and another female checking things out in my hometown, and other workers being leery of her hidden authority, I seriously considered that she was a C.I.A. operative, perhaps an undercover from an even more esoteric agency.

When submitting a questioning report to the “spooks” about her, I received an answer in intelligence manner response, meaning not a blatant or even stated reply, but in skit or intimation form: when in Warsaw and going to work, I passed an Indiana State Police car, the officer intentionally looking at me in a knowing way. You piece these things together partly via what is seen, some through quips an operator passes along, and yet further by way of intangible resonations. I much prefer verbal intercourse, but much is accomplished through the “medium” of intimations, innuendos and allusions, though that method is not as secure as it seems to many, and from experience I can explicitly claim that lingual expression in controlled environments is far more conducive to success, whether conducting covert or open business.

While conversing with her, I noticed that she resembled a 2nd Lieutenant from the military I'd met during the late nineties, whom my superior from the F.B.I. had told me about, which woman was going to do some investigating on at least some aspects of previous cases I'd worked with the F.B.I. She was 24 years old then, if I remember correctly [many times, an undercover will imply, intimate or allude to some past event or person, indicating that they are of the same group as from some years, months, weeks, days, hours or minutes back, forming a connection].

______ said that she'd never been in the military, but had tried to enlist but couldn't due to some prior trouble she'd been in. Nonetheless, when she did her age enhancement disguise, she reminded me of that military officer, resembling Sheryl Crow, actually, the singer. In retrospect, though ______ is good at disguise, I'm not altogether sure that there wasn't a temporary stand-in for her, helping to play the nut and shell game, possibly without ______'s knowledge, simply strolling through the department, hesitating long enough to show herself, maybe in order to create an illusion, and then cruising on. I've seen that ploy a number of times, with and without the main subject's knowledge.

For well over twenty years, I've known that undercover operators, some of them, use some or another type of drug as a means to change/enhance their appearance. Some use over the counter products, some use prescription meds and others use illegal substances. I never suspected ______ of using any, and anyone who can alter their appearance instantly, doesn'r need to [Proverbs 16:32].

It was within this time frame that I suspected something amiss, and fairly early on into this phase I notified the C.I.A. that I was going to pursue the dilemma, including striking up some kind of relationship with ______, if possible, hopefully finding an ally, strongly suspecting that she was being coerced and manipulated, likely with the intent of ensnaring me, especially since she could appear as a teenager, as well as someone in her thirties.

So at this point in time, I determined, based upon the then current activities and past experience, that: ______ was involved in some kind of undercover activity [both sides of the law conduct basically the same type of operations, having roughly the same capabilities]; she had at least one proactive partner, as well as a number of people providing cover, running interference and looking out for her; most likely, she was working for/with the Indiana State Police, but could as well be a federal operative either assigned to the police or working with them; she and cohorts could be on the up and up, or they could be providing eye service to their overseers and running an illicit operation under the table [I've seen that a number of times, and in fact am responsible for Hoener, “Blackjack” and others busting some of their own informants and acting agents, who were committing crime in Colorado, while doing duty for the feds, right under their noses (same thing happened in 1993-94, in Wabash County, and former Sheriff Tim Roberts couldn't handle it all, due to the informant network's corruption's size and complexity, yet I went for years wondering if those were somewhat isolated incidents, or if anyone besides a few of us had ever witnessed/experienced such a thing, until I heard an interview last year between Glenn Beck and a Secret Service agent, on WOWO Radio, who described investigating the very same thing, which involved “scores of informants”; that situation carried all of the same protocols and earmarks as what the F.B.I. and I investigated during the nineties.

I need to provide some additional information in order to link the last paragraph fully with the similarities between the nineties and now. But I first want to note that the street language of undercovers is comprised mainly of intimations, innuendos, allusions, some allegory and quips containing key words from reports, rather than straight forward communication. This type of discourse only carries so much validity, and does more to foster suspicion and garner questions than it does anything else, al least when it is not known for sure which participants are what. That type of elucidation creates an environment which is very easy for opponents to infiltrate, does not provide for a clear and concise view by bonafide participants to fully understand what is going on and does little more than accommodate manipulative overseers who hold ulterior motives: nothing can replace straight forward and plain speaking. Concerning security when conversing over the phone or internet, that's what VPN, proxy servers, firewalls and Kerberos is for, to name a few.

Around a month or so after initially striking up conversation with ______, someone said that I ought to “try a fling... .com”, for a date, which I did, and that started an entirely new branch of investigating, which I'll go into shortly.

At a certain point in time, maybe before beginning to talk to ______, I told the C.I.A., that I was suspecting something amiss with ______, as in someone possibly coercing her to set me, in order to shaft me somehow, and asked if they thought I should continue, or drop away from that part. An operative who showed up said to go ahead, but to proceed with caution, if I wanted to, so I did.

It was around this time also that I started seeing ______ and another younger female around Roann quite a bit, checking things out. It seemed they were doing things right, so I dropped a word to a few townsfolks, what they, and two older females, were doing, and to tell them whatever they wanted to know, at least about anything to do with me [when things are too secret, after a certain point in time, it means that possibly pertinent and vital facts are not known, which can hurt a case and/or an investigator; since I was investigating government and civilian corruption, and some aggressive action, covertly, had been directed towards me at times, I thought it well that some additional people be aware of what was going on; on the other hand, if ______, her partner, and/or the other two females turned out to be corrupt, giving them a free pass to look around would provide an additional way to track their activity.

I had also contacted Wabash County Sheriff Bob Land on a number of occasions, via voice mail messages, about various things pertaining to this investigation. I asked him for one or two undercover operators to work with me, if they were interested, having decided that maybe I'd be as well off to pursue investigating on a more regular basis, and had the idea that I might as well seek for a future, potential wife from those who also did undercover activity, asking the C.I.A. for some people to work with me as well, at some point in time. I also seen an opportunity to help provide permanent case closure for previous, unclosed cases with the F.B.I., as undesirable results from those cases not only have haunted myself, and I believe Hoener and Blackjack, since 1995, but were linked to this investigation which, technically, was a continuance of those operations.

There was a brunette woman who popped up at Biomet, one who seemed a bit out of the ordinary, who I believe is an operative for someone, seeming to recognize her from some years ago. She knew me, but we didn't talk but one or two times, and she may be/have been an employee at Biomet.

Around this same time, I was prompted to go to a gas station near the factory, at break time, and I was given the name of Alexis, who was at the Wabash laundromat one night while I was there, an undercover operator who is very good at disguise. She was there when I arrived, but often, such as on this occasion, they have you under such close surveillance, that they know, or can second guess, where you're going before you get there, and are already in place when you drop anchor.

I asked the brunette the next time I saw her at Biomet, if she was Alexis. She said no, but either her or a fellow employee said that the name was Alexi [later it became Alexa]. The gas station was a temporary, verbal message drop for communication between Alexis and I, who showed up at Biomet a few times, probably as a forward scout.

In sync with all this, I observed, both at work and out, some people watching ______ and her partner(s), and it didn't seem that it was for a legitimate purpose, judging from the watchers' demeanor and attempts to evade me, as well as a few rather untoward comments by some fellow workers. Two specialties I've held when with the F.B.I. have been detection of industrial espionage and detection of assassination setup, so I've been pretty successful in thwarting attempts by certain people to harm select victims.

I mentioned it to ______, briefly, and she said to message her on Facebook, which I did, but apparently she took it wrong, or had simply set me, and mentioned it to a member of management, who warned me away from her, so I left that in the hands of the C.I.A. and Sheriff Land.

I also got talked to by Jessica Vought of Adecco, for whom I was working as a temporary employee, and ultimately got fired under false accusations. She said that I was terminated for attendance issues, poor work quality and being late. However, I was not late once, never missed a day, and all who inspected my parts said that the quality was good. I suspect that, given what ______ had told another employee, about being able to get anyone fired that she wanted, that a small conspiracy had occurred.

Once that happened, I decided to live off of my tax return for awhile, and devote full time efforts to the endeavor. What I thought would take 2-3 months, resulted in twice that and became very labor and thought intensive

The main focal points of this operation were: some type of covert activity being orchestrated out of Biomet by a number of employees, not necessarily legitimate in all points; a possible sub-operation being conducted by same, out of view of their superiors, or some of them, which activity was likely being overseen by Indiana State Police; a different entity or group investigating those at Biomet, and possibly recruiting them in illicit manners; an extensive surveillance operation upon any potential whistle blowers; a misuse of an online dating service; intent to deceive, and possibly defraud and steal, using Facebook and online dating services as a platform; undermining legitimate investigations by F.B.I. and C.I.A. personnel, all while working for/with those two entities and the Indiana State Police, as well as a county sheriff's department.

I opened an account on an online dating service, and a woman going by the name of Sofia Thomson and I started chatting, in April of 2017, briefly, then went onto Google Hangouts [I should get an abundance done over the Thanksgiving holiday, posting at the end of that weekend]:

                                                                                             BAY OF TARTS


2017-04-01 02:32:01 <sofia thomson> Let's chat on Hangouts! (I think this one is from our emails or the dating service; below is the Google hangouts conversation)
2017-04-07 13:59:11 <Todd Slee> Hi there.
2017-04-07 13:59:30 <Todd Slee> Going offline right now, but we can chat later.
2017-04-07 17:49:55 <Todd Slee> I'll get on tomorrow. No access to internet til then, im at a library
2017-04-08 02:16:59 <sofia thomson> baby??
2017-04-08 02:17:05 <sofia thomson> are you there?
2017-04-10 15:47:54 <Todd Slee> Hi.
2017-04-10 15:48:24 <Todd Slee> You can text me if you'd like. My number is 2605683021.
2017-04-11 02:24:19 <sofia thomson> okay baby
2017-04-11 11:37:05 <sofia thomson> baby?
2017-04-11 14:03:22 <Todd Slee> We keep missing each other now.


     April 11th was the last I chatted with her, then lost touch, but then, right after that, within a week or so, “Rose Jessy” contacted me on Hangouts, and intimations on there and in emails revealed that it is one and the same. Plus, Sophia had an hourglass shaped tattoo on the back of her neck, which appears to be the same one on the back of “Rose Jessy's”, on Facebook, neck, shown in the picture above. ["Sophia" contacted me a couple of weeks ago, but then never got back with me (November 2017)]. 

     Initially, Sophia wanted to meet, but I was supposed to go to a link on which she had videos, which of course was a money maker for someone. I never did pay for viewing it, as I didn't trust the site enough to put my credit card number on it, besides the fact that I was looking to date, or else pick up some leads.

     I would sit up town in Roann and use a friend's wifi, and within a day of signing up with the dating service, 2 or 3 particular cars would drive past, first one way, then back the other way after a while. That went on for maybe a month, but they never stopped to talk or anything. That alerted me to recollect what I experienced during the nineties, when females would try to allure me out to a more remote area, where I wound up almost getting shot a couple of times. 

     One was, I believe, a blonde who had worked at Video Unlimited in Wabash, during 1998-99, using the name Anna Davis, but who I believe was a stand-in for the real Anna, or else it was the other way around and the real one went out and performed some type of undercover activity. I did finally determine which one is the real Anna, and it isn't the one who worked at the video store [to the best of my knowledge] (note: common sense would direct one to visit the parents or other relative in order to determine who was who; I worked at the same place as the real Anna's dad, in 2006, and talked to him some, during which time the one who didn't work at the video store showed up once and talked to him, and he'd said that was his daughter; often, in a mysterious case, people will play a nut and shell game with identity, doing various things to attract one's attention, remaining aloof and elusive, and when you start checking things out, have the cops nail you for stalking or invasion of privacy or some such thing, which scheme the cops are a part of many times).

     She, if it was her, drives/drove a white 2 door car, similar to the one that Justin Vigar's girlfriend drives, but “Anna's” is plain white, whereas the other one has some markings or stickers. Justin's girlfriend may be wrapped up in it, as sometimes she would drive past the house like she was scoping It out, likely to tip me off.

     The one who worked at the video store got fired, a week or two before she would have been quitting, having put in a notice, and got wrapped up with a U.S. Marshal named April, then in charge of the U.S. Marshal Witness Protection Program, and wound up becoming an excellent disguise artist, working for/with, at any given time, the Wabash County and City Police, the Indiana State Police, the F.B.I., the C.I.A., the U.S. Marshals and may have gotten entwined with the mafia some. She misused her authority, quite a bit towards me, but later straightened up, to my knowledge. The last time I talked to her was in 1999, though I may have seen her after that, complete with artificial breasts, and all I said to her then was that they were fine the way they were, and walked off. Not for sure if that was her or not.

     In 1999, she alluded to being aware of some details concerning a scheme about which an attempt was made to frame me for a crime which likely didn't even occur, which started in Texas, in 1992, so I reported it to Neil Hoener of the Colorado Springs, CO  F.B.I., as he was the overseer of all of the cases I'd worked. Not long after, I noticed some shady appearing people scoping “Anna” out at the video store, and something about their protocol reminded me of Hoener/Blackjack, so I left a message for April _____, U.S. Marshal in charge of the Indianapolis, IN witness protection program at that time, having replaced Jenny Fetig, who went elsewhere, to Texas she told me. I figured that April could provide some watchful protection over “Anna”.

     As it turned out, “Anna” disappeared for about 3 weeks total time, and nobody wanted to discuss it. So I talked to Bob Land, an I.S.P.  Detective then, and “Anna” was returned, either by Bob's efforts or the 3 weeks was simply when she got back.

     It was around this time, not long after this, that I saw a woman nicknamed “Yul” in the video store, talking to “Anna”, and they seemed to be in cohesion. That woman was tied in with the Indiana State Police, Peru, IN, and was known to throw investigations by the F.B.I., at least legitimate ones, and undermined much of what Hoener and I were doing, which were very constitutional operations and conducive to restoring constitutional concepts in the region.

     I've always believed “Yul” to be Darryl and Nick Shoemaker's mother, because one time when all three of us were working at CFC Distributors, Inc., Darryl and Nick introduced me to a woman who visited there, whom they said is their mother. However, that may have been a ploy, coerced or otherwise implemented by the Indiana State Police. The woman known as “Yul”, may have been lied to a lot by the cops, with the intent that she'd undermine much of my investigating and, subsequently, the F.B.I. I did hear a few years ago that “Yul” has since reformed and is doing things right. It's nothing new for cops to lie to their own people, in order to manipulate and control.

     “Yul” is a nickname which I originally coined for that woman in 1997, when living with Kay McKinley. I arrived home one day, and Kay's kids, Ruth Ann and Joey, were down. Seems that some woman other than Kay was there, claiming to be Kay. I asked her where kay was, and she didn't want to tell me. So I told her that unless Kay was back within the hour, I'd kill her. Kay was back within an hour and when talking with Kay, I asked if kay thought I made that other woman very mad. Kay responded by saying, “You'll be the first to know, when you step your toe on the pedal”, meaning, that woman was apparently tied in with people who blow cars up, which was inferring to the Chicago mafia, who has been fond of using dynamite to blow people up. Thus, the name Yul.

     That was the same woman whom I met less than a year later, at CFC in 1998. Darryl and Nick may not have been lying, technically, if the woman I met was not their mother. The word mother has various definitions, and can mean other than a biological ancestor. That is one way to deceive without actually lying, an investigator's/spy's trick of the trade.


           Until I complete this article, some parts, like the photos, may be erratically formatted, that is, out of tune with the time frame. However, it may be the most conducive to figuring everything out, and to aid in getting innocent pawns relieved, which some or all of the females may be.

     Photo A is one that "Rose Jessy" sent me. It looks like the same woman as the Facebook cover/profile photo for Tina Wilson, though Tina appears older than photo A in the pic to the right. The two below this are, if I remember correctly, changes made to the profile pics, yet are not intended to be construed as being the same woman. (It gets much better, but jump to no conclusions)










     A woman from South Whitley, IN, named Kathy Brothers, may be involved in investigating this. She used to instruct karate under Jerry French, Wabash, IN, and when I was taking lessons, in 2007-08, she said a few things which earned my distrust, intimating that she was/is with some corrupt elements who orchestrate coerced/forced participation in an identity change scheme, likely government but maybe also tied in with a far right "constitution" group, which ran amok in the Wabash County region during the nineties, and was far apart from an actual militia or other Constitution group.

​     A woman mentioned above, who used the name Anna Davis, is one who I suggested to Wab. Co. Sheriff Bob Land to investigate the original operatives who the C.I.A. supposedly sent. She may or may not be nefarious, but is tied in, illustrated by the pictures below.



​     Here are 3 pics from a short video that "Rose" sent me early on in our conversations on Google Hangouts. I'm sure I've seen her way before now, but cannot place her. When I can get this video posted, I will do so, which includes sound.

     Here are most of the reports to the C.I.A. that I saved. 99% of my reports to them were sent using either my tablet or a computer at the Roann Public Library, Roann, IN [all told, from July or August 2015 (mostly from December 2016 to recently), I estimate having submitted between 200 and 300 reports, most just a sentence or two]:

     [May have reported this to CIA]
     There was a female named, or going by, Michelle, back in the 90s, who was involved in informant or investigative activities, and who undermined some legitimate reports or cases. She was said to have been married to a Wabash City or County cop, but I could never verify that. She lived on a side street off Manchester Ave in Wabash, near the Village Pantry, and used to run around some with an older man, in his late fifties, about 6'3”, 240 lbs., bald, tan complexion. That man came out to Colorado Springs when I was there, to a place I worked off community service, which I believe was a mob place. I'm fairly certain that the female is Michelle (Aryes (ph.) Schuler, being divorced from Trent Schuler not long ago. They weren't married all that long, and I heard second-hand that she tried to get half of the Nomanco business in the divorce. She was slipping around kind of shady-like while she was around. If that isn't her, she very closely resembles the Michelle I'm referring to. I have reason to believe that she became an informant for Hoener. She was married to Terry Ayres, from N. Manchester, IN before Trent. I don't know her maiden name.

     I met a Terri Bishop, from Wabash, in 1985/86, and tried to date her, but she was shooed away from dating me. She was involved in something to do with the Indiana State Police. She may be the female who was connected with Kay McKinley from Peru, the one who loved west of Peru on her father's farm, Dale McKinley. There was also a Kay McKinley who lived in Peru, possibly a sister. Kay, when I lived with her in 1997, mentioned having mob connections through her ex-husband, Joe Krieg. She hated the CIA, I think due to having been involved with them. Terri may be the female nicknamed 'Yul', pronounced like the actor Yul Brenner. Another possibility for “Yul” is Darryl and Nick Shoemaker's mother, from N. Manchester. That “Yul” undermined a lot of cases and was tied in with or at least well known and partially controlled by Bob Land when he was a state trooper/investigator.

     There have been a couple or three males who people have mistaken for me, and I believe that was orchestrated intentionally. One possibility is Charles “Chuck” Sesco, originally from Urbana, IN, now living somewhere in the county, I think. He's on Facebook under 'Chuck Sesco'. Another possibility is a male named 'Richard Oswego'. I learned of him while in New Jersey while trucking, in 1998. I was sitting in a coffee shop, and a woman sitting in the booth next to me asked me, after determining that I was out of Indiana, if I knew Richard Oswego, who was allegedly kin to her, and had kind of disappeared. By and large I came to learn that he may have been a mob turncoat, or his family was associated with the mob, and he either wanted no part of it or he ripped them off. He is likely tied in with some covert federal agency, more covert than the FBI and CIA. I think it's the guy I met in Reno, NV, August 1992, while trucking for MWT/Roadrunner, at a 76 truckstop. He was driving for Burlington Motor Express, and referred to me by first name, at the fuel desk. We both fueled up. I wasn't investigating then, and it was kind of appalling, because he not only knew my name but resembled me some, so I left without talking to him. In 1994 I saw him in/around Wabash County, and he was tied in with Melessa Boggs and her crew. I believe Mandy Ogan was tied in with them, and a woman whose name I never knew, but possibly Tina, also was, and I believe she was tied in with the U.S. Martshalls. There's another man who could be mistaken for me, that I learned of last year, last name of Eppley, presumably from around Wabash. One of the older men who works at Tru-Value Hardware in Wabash told me he was in there. The Tru Value guy is around 60, gray hair, thinning or bald on top, wears glasses, kind of stooped. I reported the Eppley thing to Bob Land last year, and mentioned it to Jon Keppel on Facebook, but he never got back with me on it. I made an offer for him to tell authorities if he was mixed up in anything, and he may or may not have.

     I met, worked with and ran around some with a Black man named Rick Pugh, from Washington Courthouse, VA. He was into some investigating and claimed to be at least FBI, and was allegedly a former Army Special Forces operator. He was doing some heavy duty checking, and he was at Hays-Lemmertz, or I believe it was him, in 2006 when I worked there. I didn't have a chance to talk to him, and I never told anyone about it. But I think that, in 1994/95, Hoener was out to get him. Rick and I worked at Eagle Picher in Colorado Springs, CO, along with Henry Williams. Rick told me had had an uncle and cousin who got whacked by the mafia, some years before.

     A female who has been into some kind of underground group for years, is a cousin to Tony Janeway and his sister, Glenda (Janeway) Haupert Cornett. That female is from Cumberland Gap, KY or Harrogate, TN areas. I don't know her name but she once stayed with or visited often her grandmother, who lived, maybe still does, in a house bordering Harveys (factory) on Old 24 on the curve.

     Some things to note: while in Colorado as a commissioned acting street agent, the FBI there, after reviewing my reports and checking things out, upon not being able to figure out who was doing the surreptitious activities, tried to frame the native Americans and the mafia, respectively, on two different occasions. Hoener told me before each attempt went down, so I thwarted it. Two fully commissioned street agents approached me once, telling me about a very unconstitutional sting they were being made to engage in, against a militia group out there. I went through proper channels and the answers were, they were going to do it, not even listening to Hoener, who at least protested some. So I thwarted it, then later, when called on the carpet, produced a plan with which to do the sting without violating constitutional precepts. They tried it about four months later and it was successful. It at least bought the militia time to prepare against any unjust prosecution.
     Some of the people involved in activities I reported were/are mob connected, but the mob as a whole has not been, to the best of my knowledge. Plus, the mob has stood on some of their fringe people for being out of line. A mob boss from Pittsburg or Philadelphia called me up once, I think in '98, to ask me what was going on, as apparently some of the case work was spilling out onto the mob there or somewhere. We talked, and I told him what was going on, and he ended up being helpful, agreeing that a lot of the things going on were wrong. Later on, a few years later, Hoener let me know that he was enlisting the aid of the mob in combatting the thing. I protested some, but overall it did work out well. Also, I think it was in '95, in Cleveland, I almost got stiffed by 5 mob guys, but the situation was averted, and after explaining to them what the situation was, they said they'd do some checking and see if they could help. I also witnessed Christ to them a bit, and I think it took root with some of them. I'm pretty sure I met one of them some years later, and my impression was that he was helping the FBI, not for sure, though.
     Back in '95, Hoener knew that some big changes were taking place, and I believe he meant what is going on now. Somewhere along the line he seemed to have done a 180, I think going along with socialist edicts, which we, as soldiers, are sworn to combat, always. Note also, that when I say Hoener, I usually mean his proxy, “Blackjack”, not the real Hoener. The real Hoener didn't like me much and wouldn't deal with me personally much. I didn't dislike him as such, but he was a real prim and proper acting man, kind of uppity, and since he didn't like me, I preferred to avoid him. I think some of stuff he investigated unnerved him and messed with his mind. It did mine for awhile, but reading the Bible has remedied it, as well as learning more about psychological ploys and such.
     Note also that nearly everything I've shown you has been reported elsewhere and verified/documented, primarily with the FBI. I also had dealings with the U.S. State Dept. and the CIA. I never trusted Blackjack/Hoener enough to not confer with others.

     Some of these people undermine informants and investigators, and then rather than kill them, purposely endanger them or make it look like they're endangered, and refer them to the U.S. Marshalls, CIA or FBI for protection. I have let them know, some years ago, that I have no need of that and never will. The mob may also have a similar program, and the FBI has impersonated the mob before.


          In lieu of my last message, indicating that I might be interested in some operative type work, my only interest is in promoting constitutional agendas, especially concerning previous cases  I'd reported to and worked with, the F.B.I., who botched them, intentionally.
     If my skills are needed, I will only be receptive to an actual operative who properly identifies him or her self, stating what is needed. My investigative skills have exceeded those of most F.B.I. agents and are synonymous with higher level intelligence operatives, in some regards anyway.
      My reliability, honesty and impartiality has already been proved long ago, notwithstanding what F.B.I. Special Agent Neil Hoener [ret] has shown. (He is likely in deep with the mafia, and otherwise is an ardent Socialist.) I aided the C.I.A. during the nineties, participating in the elimination of two rapists who were beyond the reach of the law, and engaged in an assassination mission against murderers, again for the C.I.A., in 1984 while in the U.S. Army, keeping the sworn to oaths.
     To sum it up, I am straight forward and do not answer to informers, nor do I partake of any of the myriad of themes, skits and other ploys in which many engage. Time is too fleeting to spend it on cow lot refuse.
     On an informational note, an alternate phone number for Jerry Maxwell, a culprit I've already named, is 765-398-0933, a phone paid for by his farm employer, meant for farm purposes only. Maxwell is likely in cahoots with Terri Weaver, some FBI from Fort Wayne, former Judge Sposeep, some underground people, and possibly mafia or mob people.

          There is a Caucasian female in/around Wabash County who, since at least 1994, has been undermining sound investigations and covertly coercing people to join a subversive, loose-knit organization which engages in nefarious activities, being based upon a constitutional guise. In 1994, possibly in 1993, she drove a teal colored, Chevy short bed pickup truck, I believe a 1994 model. She is around 5' 5” tall and as of 1994, weighed around 120 pounds, slim, petite, pretty and having med. to dark brown hair. She was likely with the C.I.A. Then, as well as in with the nefarious group, likely having moved on to a different government entity, and a strong possibility exists that she is tied in deeply with the mafia. Her first name may be Jami or Jamie. It had been told me that she had a boyfriend named Richard, probably Oswego, who broke up with her, and later on, she told people that I was him.
     In 1994, while out on Roann-Richvalley Rd., in my old Chevy pickup truck, I happened upon what seemed to be an accident, but the vehicle wasn't damaged. They were just putting the victim into the ambulance as I arrived, and after talking to a state cop, I saw the alleged victim looking at us through the back window of the ambulance, smiling, the “victim” being the same female described above. The vehicle she had been driving was not the Chevy pickup truck, but some other vehicle.
     Another time during the mid nineties, she had been told that my name was Tom Slee, rather than Todd Slee, and told her to go to the graveyard located on Laketon Rod, south of SR16, to look around. She saw the gravestone of my late grandfather, Tom Slee, and freaked out, evidently not bothering to look at the dates of birth and death, the death being 1978. She then started some kind of investigation on me over that huge discrepancy.

     With all of my reports, I'm assuming that the DCS is still in operation, and asserting that my reports consist of data which is a possible contributor to national insecurity, though of a somewhat confined nature, and is a threat from within which, ultimately, can open the door for a threat from without.
     Concerning the militias, I am not against any which are truly constitutional, but not all are, some being a lower level of a breach of national security.

     Some years ago, Jerry Maxwell told me, a woodcutter for him for many years, about a lookalike named Troy Horn, whom Maxwell reportedly made allusion to regarding performing nefarious stunts and making it look like it was Horn.

     For a number of years, some entity was having operatives/informers impersonate select people from one or another communities, causing a lot of concern and emotional unrest, contributing to an area wide psychosis. That was probably primarily the F.B.I., likely under Blackjack or Neil Hoener, Blackjack being more C.I.A. Than F.B.I., and likely a C.I.A.  Operative rather than an F.B.I. Agent. Besides myself and a substantial number of others, one person who has been impersonated is my mother, Nancy [Slee] Fearnow ( F e a r n o w), enough so that many think her to be an operative or something. My sister was also impersonated at one time, as was Sheriff Bob Land and many others. I think that the woman impersonating my mother is C.I.A., perhaps the others as well.

     There is a big problem in the Wabash region, of people having been C.I.A. Informants/associates, and once completing their hitch with the C.I.A., going over to the mafia, not that all mafia are bad people. However, the mafia's associates and fringe people cause a lot of problems. Two of those people are my late cousin Sharan Ann (Smith) (Penn) (Reynolds) Koch, and Jon P. Keppel, Sr.


     Something which ought to be brought to your attention, which may be nothing, but could be relevant:
     On Easter Sunday, 2016, I was jogging my Doberman and English Lab/Great Pyranees mix, in Roann, IN, my hometown. In an alley, my Doberman suddenly stopped and was intently looking into an area behind someone's home, with a couple of Pine trees and other greenery. Seems like I heard a sound, something like 'tsssssst!', and the Doberman flinched. I didn't really think anything of it at the time, and continued our jog.
     Once returning home, whereas the Dobe normally stepped into the house, he just stood there, so I helped him in. He laid down immediately, and I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. While in there, I heard a couple of thuds, which was the Dobe trying to raise his head, but couldn't do so. He got up, sat beside me for a moment or two, then his front legs slid out as he laid down. Then his breathing became labored, then very slow. Then, he just exhaled and his eyes rolled and his tongue stuck out, and that was it; he died.
     Later, maybe a few weeks, I got to thinking about different weapons available. I'll leave it at that. The Dobe was nearly twelve years old, and he had been showing changes for a few weeks prior, indicative of impending death, such as wanting to sleep more, being friendly with the dog he'd always hated...

     I have reason to believe that someone is hacking/monitoring the Roann Library's computers, simply to unnecessarily spy on people, and it is likely the Wabash County Sheriff's Dept., and I believe that they do so to CenturyLink customers. Of Course, there are some valid reasons for it, but I have seen signs that they are abusing the capability.

     There has been several proxies for me over the years, not to my liking or approval. One possible one is Ricky Kessler, whose father Richard may be/have been a C.I.A. Or F.B.I. Agent. They lived down the road from us, but moved to Chicago when I and Ricky were in kindergarten. I imagine that Richard is a good man, hopefully Ricky as well. Seems that Hoener mentioned them to me once or twice when I was in Colorado.

     Recently I saw a blonde female at Biomet, I think on third shift, who appeared to be one of the troublemakers from previously. She knew me, I'd say, by her demeanor. I only saw her a couple of times. She may have been put in there temporarily by the state or feds.

     As I reported previously to, I think Bob Land, or either Steve Kell [Ft. Wayne FBI] or Darrin [Ft. Wayne FBI], one of the previous troublemakers is, I'm sure, the wife of an undertaker in Wabash, Jon McDonald, not sure of her name. I ran into her in 2009 or 2010 while delivering pizza for Papa Johns, and she made an allusion or innuendo to a name change for me.

     For years now, someone, I believe the FBI or someone under Hoener or Blackjack, has been intimidating certain people who I associate with or merely talk to. He did intimidate Terri Weaver, Wab. Co. Pros. Det., into not investigating certain things, some years ago. Incidentally, just about everything on the 'Special Security' portion of my website, had been reported to Hoener/Blackjack, mostly in '94-95, some from then to around 2009.

     Two folks, who must be your ops or such, made contact with me today [02/12/2017] (they referred to me as cowboy). I trust them, apparently they trust me. As I've said, I'll work at things as I can.
     There is a fellow worker who I believe may be in danger of difficulty, likely by whoever harasses people I talk to. I can name her to those two.  I am reluctant to mention it unless I'm sure someone is being spotted on for such, because in the past, the FBI (or whoever Hoener has been in touch with) has “conscripted” people just for associating with me or for some nonsensical reason.


      _____________________________END OF STATEMENT

     Something which ought to be brought to your attention, which may be nothing, but could be relevant:
     On Easter Sunday, 2016, I was jogging my Doberman and English Lab/Great Pyranees mix, in Roann, IN, my hometown. In an alley, my Doberman suddenly stopped and was intently looking into an area behind someone's home, with a couple of Pine trees and other greenery. Seems like I heard a sound, something like 'tsssssst!', and the Doberman flinched. I didn't really think anything of it at the time, and continued our jog.
     Once returning home, whereas the Dobe normally stepped into the house, he just stood there, so I helped him in. He laid down immediately, and I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. While in there, I heard a couple of thuds, which was the Dobe trying to raise his head, but couldn't do so. He got up, sat beside me for a moment or two, then his front legs slid out as he laid down. Then his breathing became labored, then very slow. Then, he just exhaled and his eyes rolled and his tongue stuck out, and that was it; he died.
     Later, maybe a few weeks, I got to thinking about different weapons available. I'll leave it at that. The Dobe was nearly twelve years old, and he had been showing changes for a few weeks prior, indicative of impending death, such as wanting to sleep more, being friendly with the dog he'd always hated...

     (I originally forgot to relate that the owner of the home property at which this occurred was in no way a suspect in anything wrong)

     I have reason to believe that someone is hacking/monitoring the Roann Library's computers, simply to unnecessarily spy on people, and it is likely the Wabash County Sheriff's Dept., and I believe that they do so to CenturyLink customers. Of Course, there are some valid reasons for it, but I have seen signs that they are abusing the capability.

     There has been several proxies for me over the years, not to my liking or approval. One possible one is Ricky Kessler, whose father Richard may be/have been a C.I.A. Or F.B.I. Agent. They lived down the road from us, but moved to Chicago when I and Ricky were in kindergarten. I imagine that Richard is a good man, hopefully Ricky as well. Seems that Hoener mentioned them to me once or twice when I was in Colorado.

     Recently I saw a blonde female at Biomet, I think on third shift, who appeared to be one of the troublemakers from previously. She knew me, I'd say, by her demeanor. I only saw her a couple of times. She may have been put in there temporarily by the state or feds.

     As I reported previously to, I think Bob Land, or either Steve Kell [Ft. Wayne FBI] or Darrin [Ft. Wayne FBI], one of the previous troublemakers is, I'm sure, the wife of an undertaker in Wabash, Jon McDonald, not sure of her name. I ran into her in 2009 or 2010 while delivering pizza for Papa Johns, and she made an allusion or innuendo to a name change for me.

     For years now, someone, I believe the FBI or someone under Hoener or Blackjack, has been intimidating certain people who I associate with or merely talk to. He did intimidate Terri Weaver, Wab. Co. Pros. Det., into not investigating certain things, some years ago. Incidentally, just about everything on the 'Special Security' portion of my website, had been reported to Hoener/Blackjack, mostly in '94-95, some from then to around 2009.

     Two folks, who must be your ops or such, made contact with me today [02/12/2017] (they referred to me as cowboy). I trust them, apparently they trust me. As I've said, I'll work at things as I can.
     There is a fellow worker who I believe may be in danger of difficulty, likely by whoever harasses people I talk to. I can name her to those two.  I am reluctant to mention it unless I'm sure someone is being spotted on for such, because in the past, the FBI (or whoever Hoener has been in touch with) has “conscripted” people just for associating with me or for some nonsensical reason.


      _____________________________END OF STATEMENT

      Seen a familiar face in the breakroom at Biomet this evening (02/16/17). Sort of resembles Charlie Sheen, hadn't seen him for a while. Not sure what he is, but is official as far as I know.

      I believe that Autumn Cotterman is likely part of a ploy by which to bait me for something sexual, and in all probability, Melessa (Boggs) Eltzroth is behind it. Some yeare ago, she spread around that I would get some female to go out on a date, and then drug them, tp make them fall asleep and then...  A co-worker greatly resembles either Boggs or her proxy during the nineties. The co-worker is named Denice Lloyd, same department as I, from Rochester, according to public records. She seems to be very uptight and anxious part of the time, but I think it's an act.
     Since I started relaying info to you guys about Autumn, this past week she has alluded or intimated a couple of things in my reports to you folks. I'd say someone is forcing, pressuring or coercing her to. Autumn says she is only 24, but I think she's older than that, and she may not be the real Autumn, or is else protected, maybe not.

     There are indications that Biomet is a partial safe house, and if so, whoever is utilizing it for such might want to keep an extra sharp eye out for people scoping people out. If so, whoever is doing so, will find out who some protected people are, and/or undercovers, compromise them or whatever, and make it look like it was me doing it. I've worked in two safehouses out west, having been put in them by the FBI in order to check things out, and some things look similar. Also seems to be a number of “official” workers.  [Note: I don't think that the place is used as a safe house for any federal entity; the Mafia and likely other criminal organizations also have "safe houses"; some safe houses are simply partial protection, and some are more used as a place of employ for informers to work, where they can be safe from hassle; there was a lot of covert activity being conducted from that place, nefariously, traced back to the Indiana State Police. One night, a new worker seemed distressed, so I talked to him, and when I implied as to whether he was a U.S. Marshal, he nodded his head yes, also saying he was in trouble, as in someone out to get him, but he'd be okay for then. I got the situation relayed to Sheriff Bob Land that night.

     If patterns hold, there are/have been personnel from the Wab. Co/city police and ISP in there, who always cause me trouble. I think Deputy Matt Cox was there, undercover. Bob Land or a proxy has been in several places I've worked, for no apparent reason, and so has Melessa Boggs Eltzroth aka/or Tracy Alford, who worked for a time at Wells Fargo Bank in Wabash a few years ago, when I still had a bank account there, put there by the FBI. I think it is Melessa Boggs Eltzroth, actually.

          When I was in Colorado, working with the FBI, I learned that I was put under duress at one time to do duty, because it was thought that I had committed some crime against a woman, but there wasn't sufficient evidence by which to convict. During my stint with the FBI, the Department of State discovered that a mixup had occurred, and it was some other male who had, I believe it was raped a woman, Richard Oswego or whatever his name is, but I was already into it good, and was okay with it. Whoever that male is, he was tied in with the female who drove the teal Chevy pickup, Melessa Boggs (not Eltzroth then), and who I think is named Tena (the FBI knows her).

     Either you guys have an op in there, or two, who know of my reports, or someone is hacking or a leak is going on. She is named Chris, I forget his name, both seem to be fine people.

     Melessa Boggs Eltzroth is little more than a big entrapper and ensnarer, though I did recommend her for getting the blonde female who has caused a multitude of trouble. Melessa does duty for the cops or FBI, but pulls her own little vendetta of evil at the same time.  (Since making this report, I highly recommended Melessa, hearing that she started doing good some years ago)

       Wabash County is a cesspool of evil, and some of the cops and scores of civilians are responsible for important cases being thrown, which the FBI tried to remedy during the nineties and beyond, including people coming up missing and murders.

     ___________________________End of Statement______________________________________

     Concerning Autumn Cotterman, thinking over past events when I was really into investigating, there is a strong possibility that her and/or a proxy(s) are involved with the mafia, which thing was prevalent during the nineties, much correlation existing between the “underground” in Wabash County and in one the Warsaw area. The situation has some of the same earmarks as that. Back in or around 2006, Hoener called me to say that he was soon to retire, and was giving confidential reports of mine and data they'd collected to the Indiana State Police at Peru, IN, which I advised against, because the cases weren't closed and there was correlation or correlative activity between them and some of the members of the “underground”. I think some folks from Wabash County have been sent around Warsaw, maybe actually to Biomet, to scope out and possibly identify certain people. The problem is, a clique exists in the county, and they all lie and connive to keep things covered up, using certain businesses as hubs of information, such as Jerry Maxwell of Roann.
     Back in/around 1998-99?, Hoener called to say that he/the FBI were going to use some mafia people to help take care of the “underground” problem, which thing did work out good. However, I've seen some faint signs that some of the mafia guys may have gotten greedy of gain, or else some other ones never got completely separated from the “underground”, maybe taking it over.
     Autumn has certain people at work with whom she associates regularly. If she's nefarious, some law enforcement/DOJ cases could be compromised. She may be working things in order to uncover nefarious activity by corrupt government personnel. Some of them she seems to be rather closely associated with include: Josh Hurd; Beth Brower; Cortney Kann; Jesse Rivera; Mike Stearley; Manuel Lugo; maybe Makayla Musilli; another female in the department. perhaps some others whose names I don't yet know. Makayla, Cortney and Riley McCormack are fairly tight. The one I think is one of yours is Kris Terrell, and/or the guy she hangs out with; I forget his name. Alizebeth Woddling may have some input. She's in my department; red, short, curly hair, freckles, overweight, nice gal, very with it...I believe...very.
     The one nefarious operator so active during the nineties, nicknamed “Speed Queen”, was reputed to have been killed. One who knew her, and may know Autumn, is Kay McKinley, formerly (still currently?) of Peru, IN, daughter of Dale McKinley, having 2 brothers. There is/was also another Kay McKinley in Peru, IN, listed in the phone book, who I went and met once. Kay them told me that she'd had a sister, a twin I think, who was adopted out, because of financial reasons.
     On a maybe unrelated note, when working at Walmart in Warsaw, IN last summer, one time during lunch break, while sitting in my car, one of the parking lot cleaners looked a lot like Neil Hoener probably looked like when he was much younger. Once he approached my car from the passenger side, seeming intimidating. I grabbed my .44 and raised it, then he backed off a bit, then came forward again, at the rear passenger window. When I raised it and all but pointed it at him, he retreated, going about his business, seeming satisfied. A test, maybe.
     The woman I knew as Tena, during the nineties, a confidant of Melessa Boggs, I think I saw last summer. She was in Roann, IN, and as I was walking, she stopped and asked where Tiffany Miller lived, Brandon's ex-wife. Or else it was the summer before, whenever Tiffany was still living in Jerry Maxwell's rental east of the library in Roann.

     Tonight at work, sitting beside Cathy Jarvis, we talked a bit, as normally, and I asked her if she knew Autumn, who she didn't, so I told her (Cathy is a bit shy). Cathy said something that it was thought that Autumn is a snitch. I told her that she is likely a bit higher than a snitch. Later, I mentioned that both sides [of the law] have snitches and such.
     Apparently her cover is blown, whatever she is. Easy fix. Since both sides have snitches, investigators, lawyers, cops on the take, etc., I doubt anyone knows what she is for sure. My guess is, she had problems with her husband/ex-husband, and likely went awry some, got into trouble, ended up having to inform for the cops.
     Since there is such overlap between both sides of the law concerning covert activity, it should be easy to represent her as one or the other, or as one and double dealing. And if the “underground” is still as active as I think it is, we/you could very likely call “heads” as we flip a double-headed coin.
     More than once out west, I purposely had my cover blown, in order to see who reacted and how. Sometimes I'd admit to working for some government entity, citing some lame excuse which anyone would rather have “compassion” for, emphasizing that I was double dealing; many, many varieties of ploys there from which to choose. I think one time, when called on it, I played being more drunk than I already likely was, and said something like, “yeah, you got any drugs I can buy...”, posing as a complete buffoon. Again, a multitude of options there. Let's see, maybe... “my ex planted drugs in my car and called the cops on me, and I had to do something to keep out of jail...I have a kid to feed...”, many available lines to concoct.
      I set up an illegal gun sting once for the FBI. Sat around and drank and talked for awhile. Got up to leave, they asked where I was going. I said, “Well, I'm going to go report ya all to the FBI, of course”, and started laughing. It was contagious and they began to laugh as well. And of course that is what I did. Later, they busted them. More than once I was called out when I was trying to maintain a cover. As you all know, you learn 'poise, calm, cool and collected' real fast.
     I don't have enough info yet to give advice fully in Autumn's case, nor to form a complete opinion on her and her wily ways, I do believe, however, that someone has her under very tight control, likely for her own good, or for others', but they do want us two not talking. Of course, not knowing me or what I may be, that's expected under the circumstances. I think she wants to communicate, though. I'm making progress in getting closer to a few people. Zak may be making some progress. He may be a state cop. Cortney and Makayla were absent last night and tonight, maybe just called in.
     Cathy may be interested in some investigative/spy work, as may the dark haired woman who comes in on third shift. I suspect her of being a U,S, Marshal, which is good and fine.
     One deputy may be in with you, I don't know his name.
     If you guys want me to help get something going, I suspect that if I got in tight with the right folks, incognito, I would likely run into some old “acquaintances”, maybe without getting shot or knifed. I doubt I'd get that far as am, though I could possibly make some headway as am by doing some investigative reporter work for my website. I think I have a fairly decent name now, so I don't need to screw that up. I think I'm at least regarded as a respectable lunatic. Plus, if we can get an operation on all of that to the state of at least partial success, I think that some agents and other folks can be had in good graces by the public.

     Should have the goods, or  a lever, on Autumn Cotterman. I pal around with Cathy Jarvis, and after a meeting at work yesterday, according to Cathy, Autumn showed the supervisor, Kent, something on her cell phone, they both looked at Cathy, and Kent started to walk towards Cathy, but someone intercepted him with a question, and Cathy scooted out the door.
     Later, Autumn told Zak, a fellow worker in Cathy and mine's department, that she could get anyone fired she wanted, that is she wanted someone's job, she could get that person fired and get their job. I believe that it is a crime to purposely get someone fired. Thus, a lever, besides what you folks may already have on her. Also, tonight, I threw out the words 'human behavior classes', though I can't be sure she got them; I'd almost bet, though, that she knows when I leave for work, who all I talk to, what I do in my spare time at home, the whole nine yards. She is into something not good. I can't do much at work, might get fired.
     All in all, it looks like you guys are working, and it is already a goat rope if so. Anyone ever heard of verbal communication? The code word system? Defunct, because it's faulty without some verbal input and knowing who is who. If I had authority, I could likely have a crack team of operatives going in a month. However, buncha preppies and yuppies running things, sprinkled with a liberal amount of political correctness. I know you people are better than that. Or at least you used to be.
     I am about to write Autumn off as a wild, wily manipulator, get the cops on her and let her take her medicine. Let her sit on a rock for awhile, and maybe she'll start having some thoughts about someone besides herself. You people send me one good operative, introduced in a formal manner, and I'll produce some tangible results.
     How about a moral of the story? Some time before my Dad got cancer, I started getting quips, part of the code word system, that since the nefarious folks couldn't get me, they'd get someone in my family. I spent a lot of time making sure they were all safe, thinking a gunshot or such. After my Dad got cancer, they sent me quips that they'd accomplished it. Later, Hoener verified that it was likely an intentional death, though they couldn't do anything. There were a couple of times I could have apprehended one or two people for suspicious things pertaining to that, but had no authority. Just remind Autumn that she's helping make that type of thing a reality for her daughter, and other kids. Maybe she'll get the message. Don't tell her it was my Dad, though.
     If she wants help from me, she has one last chance, and no more. I'll throw her to the wolves, and if she doesn't apologize to Cathy and anyone else she's wronged, I'll throw her to the wolves. I'll just go to the cops, the U.S. Marshals, the FBI and the other big boys, including the army. People getting hurt, ripped off and dying, and people like her want to play games. If she wants help from me, she will approach me in a respectful and straight forward manner, state that she wants to talk to me, and relate the problem in an understandable and quite verbal manner, followed up by a written report. We will set a time and place, meet, and she will answer my questions, honestly. If she think I won't just because I like her personally, have her ask Hoener/Blackjack if I won't do that.
                                                                                       Thanks, Todd A. Slee


          If I'm reading right, the aura at work was edgy and uncertain, so I assume my idea got out some. I have no intention of throwing her to the wolves, especially since I still think she's one of your, and I'm starting to see a few more concepts of necessity. I submitted what I did last night in order to gauge a few things, and it looks good to me, for what that's worth. Plus I figured if  your people were working her, a lever would be good. I think she's been deeply hurt, and has a defense mechanism, causing her to be so wary. She's starting to be better, and I realized now why she is warm and then cool, to me, though at seemingly inopportune times. When she's happy, I'm happy. Nonetheless, a little tense sweating now and then doesn't seem to hurt at all. Hoener taught me that.
     Saw at the bank today who I assume is one of your ops, a blonde; like her demeanor.  Sandy seemed a bit downsized and slightly uncertain, though.
     Cathy at work assumed a status of authority today at work. More to her than meets the eye, I'd say, almost reminds me of a U.S. Marshal. Could also be rather a concisionist, very wary of Autumn, though I told her that Autumn is supposed to apologize to her, but may not, and notwithstanding the fact that I think Cathy is less naive and timid than she lets on. Cathy could very well be a MAC or SOG, out to get Autumn and/or proxy. Scary thought.
     Sorry if my last report seemed presumptuous. Like I said, if needed, my services and capacity for learning are available. Nothing's changed. People do need to learn some patience, though. Some of my prerequisite stunts for gauging a situation seem to have a rather heavy effect at times.
     Also, some indications are that Autumn is one of Hoener's/Blackjack's, which may or may not be good. Else she's throwing signals to make it look as such. My synopsis stands: she is potentially very good operative material, if she isn't already. Also, Hoener had ties with more than just the FBI and CIA, I'm sure considerably more, which hopefully is good.
     One more thing; if I'm reading right, someone got the insert from my 'Notepad' on my cell phone tonight, which I was hoping you folks would, as I left the phone call on my phone.
     For some years, I think that U.S. Marshal Jenny Fetig and/or proxies have been around off and on checking things out. Her and I have only talked on phone, never met. I have no clue what she looks like. Some years ago, while trucking and reading a Detroit newspaper I picked up there, an article stated that a Jenny Fetig, listed as a cop I think, died in a shootout with criminals. Something didn't seem right, so I notified Hoener. I don't know for sure if it was Jenny I knew, or not, but if I remember right, later on Hoener intimated or stated that the situation got fixed, and the Jenny Fetig I knew was alive and well.
                                                                                           Thanks, Todd A. Slee
     Tonight at work, while Zak was sandblasting, in rather harmony with several of us throwing things at each other and such, when passing him, I touched his rear with a part, such as my buddies and I used to do to each other. This creates a way to gauge who is watching me and/or others closely and possibly why.

     One reason I refuse to throw those girls tot he wolves, is because I believe that not only are they into something over their heads in which they're stuck, I'd say they're now doing things to me and/or others in order to provide clues as to what's going on and how to enable us to free them up and apprehend the bad guys. I'm sure that the world of pornography overlaps into what they're involved in. Hoener and I worked cases like that before, I think he helped, where culprits who were also victims, led us. Of course, sometimes they do that to set you up for a hit or at least a wild goose chase, but proceeded carefully, I think we'll find that they want out, but are more scared of their captors than they are of anything. It could be a ploy by which to determine undercovers and methods, but once the time is ripe, an ulterior reason could be given, say, we know that porn is involved and we're searching for missing teens and children. Or at some point, we could say something like, 'we believe you're trapped in something bad and want out, now's your chance. Take it or leave it'. You know.

     At Steak and Shake, sitting waiting for my food, I was watching 2 gals, plus one other who was with them. I think the one was Autumn. When they left, she looked at me, with body language, just like I did her the other day at work. The other one I don't know, but she looked like my niece, just fuller in the face. The one who I believe is Autumn knew me, I'm sure. It was between 11:05 and 11:30. She just sort of darted away as she looked at me. Either she is playing games, or else she couldn't talk to me. I decided not to follow them out. She's slick enough, I figured they're safe. If I'm reading right, something is going on by people in the factory, something like at GenCorp.
     Another gauge is to determine if Autumn (at work) knows about the book I wrote. I gave her cards with my dog training and special security news urls. I gave Josh Hurd a book. If Josh didn't tell her about my book, it could mean that he didn't figure it'd be something she wanted to read, indicating something about her views. I would find it hard to believe that she hasn't scoured my site. She could be after what I'm after, and doesn't know if I can be trusted or not. Lots of variable possibilities.

     I think I originally listed her as Autumn Cottenger, instead of Cotterman; either someone told me her name was Cottenger, or I read it wrong on the team paper.

     Today I referenced Autumn online just by name and then on  Intellius, and it cross referenced to Autumn Zonker, and there's another last name, starts with a G. I forget the name, but there is a Mike G______ on Facebook I recently looked up. Autumn Zonker is on Linkedin, and on Intellius it links to Catherine Robinson, and there's 2 of them, one 46 and one 47. The jobs it shows Autumn as having had are quite a few for a 23 years old; one was at JC Penney. Kinda odd. I'll check more, by which time I reckon you people will know her entire background.

     In short, Autumn definitely knows I'm with someone, and either she is showing us things, or else she's setting me and other truth seekers up for elimination, for finding out. I think the first; I'd already say she's way too good at what she does to accidently expose her activity that blatantly. It all screams underground, and possibly mafia and likely, like I've already said, MAC, SOG or some other entity. We ran into that during the nineties, and I think they do some extensive revisions of the human being, up to and including surgery and some things we would likely puke about.

     I was recently told of an event which happened some years ago, in which a murder took place. I don't know if law enforcement was notified or not. Seems a man named Mike Giltner (ph.) and an associate were taken out in a boat, either Lake Michigan or the ocean, by drug dealers or such, and dumped off, very far from shore, at a far enough distance that it wasn't thought they'd make it to shore. Apparently the other man drowned but Mike Giltner made it to shore. Evidently he is from around here.

     I would guess, that if, instead of just taking a direct route home after work, that I went out and about in a certain manner, and even stopped somewhere and consulted with someone, that one interested party may be able to more fully ascertain who is watching me and why, thereby enabling a furtherance to some solid cases. Certain parties may be thinking I'm possibly into criminal activity, while other parties may think that I'm into something to do with investigating. It likely wouldn't be conducive if it was a daily occurrence; so my conjecture is that if an interested party's member were to prompt me on select days, to do so, some valuable data might be garnered, especially if certain folks were tipped off that I may be participating in some kind of activity which is a bit out of the ordinary. Of course, I could always explain to anyone who asked me, in a guarded manner, that I sometimes meet with people in order to obtain information for future articles for my 'Special Security News' part of my website.

      Recently, a skit was acted out before my very eyes, at work, which I think simulated a nurse, “checking” on a patient, but in actuality contributing to the patient's untimely demise. Later on, an intimation spoken briefly, indicated that perhaps it had to do with a one Dan Schuler. Professionally, I suspect a hit by government, due to his covertly nefarious activities, being, as is strongly suspected by myself, associated with the mafia. Personally, though I've never done anything to advance, initiate or suggest such a thing, other than making a report or two to the FBI about him..   “out of sight, out of mind”, family or not. He told me once, shortly after beginning to date his wife, my cousin, that he'd “get me”, out of sight and hearing of anyone else. Frankly, due to what I know he's helped do to me, I'm glad that bastard is gone.

     My covert Facebook site is under the name Justin Allin, from Denver, CO, currently living in Fort Wayne, IN. Sooner or later, I bet some FBI people are going to be wondering who it is. If my Mac address ghost is working right, there should be some people working frantically to track down all of the computers whose users are relaying info to the CIA.

     One faulty method that covert operators employ is to withdraw from certain people, like myself, when things start happening. That is a neon sign. By the same token, I have heard that Autumn has shooed people away from me.

     Deb Yohe, married to Tim Yohe, is, I suspect, nefarious.

     Whoever it is, Autumn or who, at work, by her games, are contributing to my what is likely some degree of PTSD. No special treatment is needed, just no dumb, woman-oriented games.

     Many of most methods employed by DOJ and law enforcement, the covertly overt ones, even matching a man and woman up, I'm not necessarily opposed to, but all of the methods have been greatly misused and people emotionally and mentally abused. Some revamping of people's thought patterns is needed, as much as anything.

      Just so you people know, since I know that you know, but you don't know that I know that you know, though now you know that I know that you know, I'm fully aware that emotionally, I'm FUBAR to an appreciative degree. My laughter subconsciously hides my pain from past, traumatic events, whereas consciously, it erases it.

     To sum the situation with Autumn/proxy up, I believe she's redeemable, and potentially a valuable asset, and possibly key, which I think she knows. Until and if she approaches me, in an up front and direct manner, I am going to ignore her. Someone has taught her too much. I can take getting shot at, demeaned and beat on, but concerning the vindictive wiles of a female, I can't take that!

                                                                                               Thanks, Todd A. Slee

     I got talked to today by Jessica Hall og Adecco today. Apparently a few employees complained that I'd been sending them messages on Facebook. I'd only sent the two to Autumn Cotterman, giving her a heads up on what I think she already knew, other than that she herself could/could have been in danger. It was intimated that I'd sent messages to more than one person. I suspect that some of the girls who'd sent me messages on are Biomet employees; two resembled Makayla Milsilli and Cortney Kann, though I'm not sure. My guess is, seeing as how Autumn can look like a 12 year old, that there is some entrapment activity being conducted, and possibly a ploy by which to get people involved in the world of fornication/pornography/prostitution. A few of the girls who'd sent me messages on, their pictures have disappeared...hmmm. I tend to think that Makayla and Cortney are helping check her out, though. Could be either. Strangely, Makayla greatly resembles Margo Tiede, an old classmate a year younger, and Cortney reminds me of Tina Meyer, another classmate.

     The female I saw last night when “drycleaning”, was in a blue car, I believe the same car I'd seen Autumn Cotterman driving. It was either a different female or she can disguise, including dyeing her hair blonde, really quick, as it was right after work, plus I think it was a proxy. The attendant looks like Russell Quillen of Roann, and he was in Biomet earlier in the evening, I assumed checking something out.

     On an intangible note, I sense some possible correlation between Jessica, Autumn and what's going on. Concerning Cortney and Makayla, and a few others, I'd guess that Autumn/proxy have gotten at least parts of my reports, are now trying to oust me, and initiate an infiltration into either the CIA or the FBI, or some investigation. I've seen it many times before. At work last night, someone told me that Cortney and Makayla are no good, and it was kind of intimated about Jessica.

     I told Jessica about being possibly stalked by Autumn/proxy, and what she told Zak and Cathy, and so I contacted the feds over it, having been with the FBI previously, and that I'm not on the government payroll. She did say that it was great that I've done government service, so whoever intimated something awry about her could just be antigovernment.

     I'm going to have to keep work strictly work, but I reckon I've relayed enough info for you people to work on it if you are going to. I will be on an observing status, though, and outside of work, I intend to work some things, with you guys or not.

     Concerning my niece, who I'm not sure whether she is into covert work, that is her choice,  but if she is connected with Autumn/proxy, and doesn't know of the possible pitfalls, she ought to know.

      Looks like some FBI people are doing some checking, whether in conjunction with you guys or not I don't know. That's fine if so, so long as it's upright ones, or cops, whatever, whoever.

     I asked Riley if Autumn hassled them much; he said some,not a whole lot. They let her get away with some things, because she's been there awhile.

      I think Makayla M. has been canvassing around in a vehicle some before and after work, I think doing right.

     I think I'm going to be off of; it's not much more than trouble waiting to happen. If you people want it, I'll delete my pic and personal info; it could likely still be used, since certain people know it's associated with me. I'll send the pw as well.

                                                                                        Thanks, Todd A. Slee

     Here are a few things I ought to relay, two of which are on my 260 cell phone, which messages I assume you folks already have, but I'll relay them just in case:

     There's been a woman around for a few years, checking for someone, who looks very much like Patti [Sesco] Davison (or Davidson), daughter of Raymond and Helen. Not sure it isn't the same Patti I worked with at Othy, Warsaw, IN, a few years ago (I forget which year). Not sure who she's with.

     I do have a quirk, which could jepordize investigations: I often laugh out of the blue ( which I'm sure is already known to you people). Sometimes it's because of the monotony causing me to think of something funny, or I see something funny about someone, or I sense being watched by one or another of you, I sense that people think one thing about me, when it's actually another, different things. Sometimes, when I see an undercover, it strikes me as funny, especially if I know them, thinking it's hilarious to compare the getup with the real person. Anyway, in case nobody who is working things has derived a remedy, I have a possibility: medication from the VA for ptsd or some antidepressant drug. I have no clue if those can trigger spontaneous laughter, but I was once on Prozac, many years ago, and it could have the same results, which I think it occasionally did then. I ended up quit taking that crap and throwing it away, realizing it could be addictive, and possibly cause one to commit the big taboo.

     I think the red headed fed and some ladies were in Biomet today at around 5 pm. I acted nonchalant, mostly, and didn't say anything to them. I think one might have said something to me, but it was one of those times when I was spacing out, so I hope I didn't miss an opportunity to consult with someone. When people just pop up, and don't say anything verbally, or grab me, I'm usually unsure, so I err on the side of not taking a chance on exposing or bringing unwanted attention to an op or unneeded recognizance by others of under cover folks. Due to blown out of proportion stalking cases and such, I have a distancing of situations/people unless I'm sure. Once I am acquainted and know the routine, it's good.

     A newer employee at work, a brunette, around 55, a bit overweight but pretty, is a bit standoffish to me, just wanting a bit of camaraderie. I'm not sure it isn't April, a U.S. Marshall. Maybe playing a role or maybe having been treated too harshly due to my past reports to the FBI about her. She's on third shift, same department as me. Don't know her name yet. Things there are touchy, often hard to look at someone's name tag badge. She may have told me her name, can't remember.

     Went to Rex's Rendevous in Warsaw after work. Had two shots of Jack and Pepsi. Shook hands with who may be one of yours. Just testing the waters, hope I don't need to work bars much, but will if need be. That guy had long hair, around 35 I'd say. I'd say chances of me getting anywhere are slim without disguise.

     If need be, I can troubleshoot informant networks, which I did for Sheriff Tim Roberts. Can always pick up data here and there for police and such. Another thought: I can help in drug deals and such if need be. I will not touch a man's privates with anything except a sharp knife, or a woman's, for that matter, for that purpose. I can act as bodyguard for people doing transactions. I did pick up a lot of drug info for Roberts, and some for FBI, but only drank, always saying I either didn't mess with drugs or else only bought and sold. Worked okay.

     I think Autumn is afraid of talking to me, or just afraid of me. She may want nothing to do with me. If so, so long as she's safe, sound and happy, I'm good. Overall, she's been looking better the last couple of days. I detect that her and others can't mingle with me yet, or much, for the case's sake, but others are coming around more. I also suspect that I was put to work there for a twofold purpose; I'm good with that, but it would be nice to know things like that a little in advance. Apparently hindsight prevails.

     My new number, in case you haven't already got it, is 574-371-6968, and my new Facebook page for this is Mike Smith, from Kansas City, KS, currently living in Fort Wayne, IN.

     By the way, since I imagine Hoener already suspects it, my often outbursts, like my call to Sheriff Land, are sometimes genuine of the moment. I at times feel overwhelmed and like everything is blown, and over react, later coming to my sense, then simply improvise a new device, in order to alleviate the situation and work around it, like I did last night. It's always been that way some. Once in awhile, when things got too stale, I'd purposely blow a case or parts of it, in order to revamp it. Funny how easily that people can be fooled, and soon forget most things. If you people are as committed as it looks, then so am I. It's simply hard to be alone and effectively deal with things all the time. But, I feel a lot more stable than I used to be.

                                                                                                         Okay, then, Thanks. Todd A. Slee

     Dear Sirs,
                        I am compelled, by virtue of the circumstances, to bring something to your attention. During the course of talking with people and being in the status of an investigative reporter, I have been conversing with a friend of mine, Henry Jones, who is either a federal investigator or a private one, having ties with the feds. Unknown to me until last night, he has been using info from things I've discussed with him, for the investigation he's working on, apparently with you people. I was under the impression that he was simply utilizing info I relayed to him for the purpose of helping to substantiate a book that he is working on.
     He did inform me of the potential seriousness of what he is working on, not to mention that some people at my place of employ, including a younger female that I have taking a liking to (though currently estranged, as I figure Henry has told you about), could be involved in things which they have unwittingly been caught up in, and because of that, some serious undermining of government is still taking place [sounds like a spinoff of cases I worked with federal agents some years ago].
     Anyway, since I've been an acting federal street agent (though the documentation is likely buried, if it actually exists), and since I do rather like helping people out of a jam, I told Henry that I could at least help out some. I once worked with some of you spooks, and frankly, was really enlightened as to how understanding and caring CIA, and often FBI, people are/can be. So...I guess what I'm doing is offering to help out with a few things. I was rather appalled that Henry had been sending you guys reports in my name, and with my own email, which he has access to. But then again, that's Henry. I'm not sure if that's his real name or not, and I can't recall if he's ever showed me a badge, but from talking to him, I know he's legit in sincerity and all. I guess I jumped the gun on the message I left with the sheriff last night. Maybe you guys can explain to him, if he's okay with things. I'm kind of reluctant to approach him now.

     I do have a bit of info which may be relevant: a guy the other day told me that the late Larry Malott, Roann, IN, said he was with some people he shouldn't have been with one time, back in his younger days, and while out on a boat, in the middle of I think Lake Michigan, they dragged some guy up from below, and said he was trying out for a swim team. They tied cement blocks to him and threw him overboard, saying, “...if he makes it to shore, he's on the swim team...”; there is a black female running around, who I think is tied in with law enforcement and/or the DOJ, who I think does and says things to discourage people from investigating. She resembles my cousin Angie [Meyer] Cartright, but I don't think it's her.
     Anyway, let me know if I can be of any assistance. And I hope I'm not compromising any security, sending this on a rather public computer. I don't know how Henry sends messages. I have heard that there are multiple, unknown computers being searched for around Roann; I assume that they're having trouble tracking MAC addresses, so evidently it's a concern that hacking is being attempted.

                                                                                 Thanks, Todd A. Slee (actual)

     Dear Sirs,
                          I apologize for the message before the last one. I realized later how it must have sounded. I only meant that there'd be big trouble by virtue of me making a report to the president, which I didn't do, as I reckon you figured out by now. But the rest of the statement is true; there have been a few operators killed needlessly, I am sure.
     I've seen the exact same scenario too many times, and seems it always results in trouble; plus I am convinced that info is getting to the wrong people, or that it is being used to manipulate people, though not from anyone at Biomet, at least not the man and woman. I guess I got used to disseminating info in order to gauge certain things, when I was with the FBI previously (hopefully they've admitted that I was with them back in the day).
     I briefly conversed with an operator a little while ago, just outside of Fort Wayne, and was asked if I was still with you people, to which I said yes (that is, if you want my assistance).
     There are a lot of prompts I ignore, simply because I'm not sure, as I am a mostly verbal communicator' plus, as criminal elements are aware of non-verbal communication techniques, I firmly believe that people are led to their deaths in that manner. It's like, when soldiers use hand signals and body language to communicate, when on patrol in enemy territory, the signs are rehearsed beforehand, and everyone knows who each other are.
     Again, I apologize for my seemingly aberrant methods. Nonetheless, it helped to provide me with a better cover, I think, and hopefully a few others, as well as uncovering some nefarious ones.

                                                                               Thanks, Todd A. Slee

     I'm sorry, but other than if you still want to accept data from me, I cannot go on with what I had planned, and what you folks may have planned. There is too much interference, loose ends and loose cannons, enabled by information being disseminated through the grapevine.
     When I wrote that there had better nothing happen to those I've named, I meant only certain ones, including those at Biomet, Melessa Boggs Eltzroth and others. Two I couldn't care less about are Jerry Maxwell and Jon P. Keppel, both of whom are very nefarious, able to fool even most of you.
     Concerning Autumn, and other operators, I've seen it far too many times: they are recruited, trained and implemented. They are taught to do according to instruction based upon Freudian principles, which is anti-God to begin with. And much of what they train law enforcement and DOJ people to do is nothing more than means by which to “trip” someone's trigger, otherwise provoke and intimidate people into doing things which they would not ordinarily do. Once the trained operative is worn out from a few years of misuse and mishandling, or refuses to continue, or their cover is blown, or threatens to expose corruption, they are sometimes snatched away and killed, murdered. The FBI did a few that way when I was with them in Colorado, some being redeemable and not that bad. Once I figured that out, I think I contacted the U.S. Dept. of State.
     Again, one thing they do is to get some female to turn someone on, and then give them the cold shoulder, continually or periodically, under the guise of testing the subject for a propensity to rape or such. Other times they use a female which is of age, but can look under age, and once a date is made, an under age sub is actually used, you know the rest. Many variations to that. That is just one of many ploys which are used. I get too emotionally distraught over all of that, so I am backing out.

     I do appreciate many of you, though, more than I do much of the churches' congregations, as many of them play a large part in scenarios which I've been presenting.

     Yesterday, when pulling out of a gas station in Warsaw, at around 2:40 pm, a black suv passed in front of me, and the driver did a “hi five” sign at me. I chased and got the pl. #, DCU0889. I don't know what state it is, maybe Illinois. It had blue letters and a white, plain background. What the gesture likely meant was for me to join that nefarious, “underground” group which plagued Wabash County in the nineties, and was wide spread. They used the same “call sign”.

     If my info is important and I can be of further assistance, or if you want to lamblast me, just send an actual, badged operative, and I can provide any further info.

     In order to counteract me chasing that guy, I was going to present a possible remedy: it could be said that since I was an FBI street agent, always subject to recall, that I was temporarily commissioned, and was chasing down a potential culprit, who could be a government mole or something, or maybe I just saw someone who I don't like and flew off the handle. I told people at work I chased some guy who flew me the bird. Even if it's thought I help the government, some of them play both sides. Otherwise, I was going to simply be as normal, and be portrayed as normal, when as is (not disguised), and going about to fetch more info for my 'Special Security News' portion of my website. Then, once disguising was done, it would be a seamless transition, nobody would, or should, know.
     One thing wrong is that participants do things to set the stage for training and conditioning, and though they mean well, they might as well set up a neon sign on a dark night, proclaiming, “we're training someone in for an operative or informant”. The police ones are the most conspicuous. That's why I just used my real name out west and portrayed myself as a fairly bad criminal. Hardly anyone knew what I really was, other than people in whom I confided, for a good long while. When I was under watch for extra protection, most of the people watching me were usually told that I was a suspect, that they needed to keep an eye on me, and that I was wanted alive and in health, once they decided to arrest me. I can't do that way now, since my reputation isn't as bad.
     Anyway, that's how I seen fit to work it, but oh well. I doubt I'd even be able to buy a fake eyebrow without all interested parties in the region knowing it.

     By the way, I doubt I'm in any real danger either way, and like I told Hoener, “I'd rather have my head put in a vise by the mafia than ever be in an identity change program”, and I mean that now. Those freak fags can go get bent!
                                                                                    Thanks, Todd A. Slee
     [I THINK i sent this to CIA]

     There exists in law enforcement a paradoxical dilemma, according to a covert government operator with whom I've spoken, on conditions of anonymity for now. Apparently there is a spin off of special training which was administered during the Vietnam War: MACV and SOG.
     For extra special operations, high brass felt that operatives even more specialized than C.I.A. Personnel were needed for touchy, top-secret missions. So hand picked people were trained for those tasks. They were evidently “super spies”, often operating alone with no backup whatsoever. Once that war was over with, MACV and SOG in that mode supposedly faded away or were reportedly disbanded at some point in time.
     To make a long story short, in this day and age, the same type of “super spies” became needed, ones who could operate without any real restraint, as FBI and even CIA agents are somewhat restricted by                            regulations, which is necessary in order for court cases to succeed against criminals. Thus the new breed of spy.
     Those spies can blend in with and infiltrate any organization on the planet, and engage in all of the same activities as do the people with whom they associate. Keep in mind that spies do not generally make arrests, though they can: their duty is to collect data.
     Those spies work through any government agency which is currently utilized, or can, including local and state police forces. Unfortunately, there has been abuse both by and toward those very spies, by government and civilian folks. On the one side of that spectrum, spies sometimes frame select people, including agents and officers, possibly being assigned to that very purpose, or else murder those who may attempt to expose the nefarious activity in which they engage. Other times, certain people become aware that a spy is in their midst, and subject them to various forms of abuse.
     At times a spy of that caliber has “jumped ship”, remaining with the organization which they have infiltrated, not always known to the members of that entity, while other times it is known and embraced. After all, what criminal group wouldn't relish having a close associate which knows all of the secrets of government law enforcement and DOJ functions? The problem there does not need to be expounded upon. Seeing as how that these days, even the lawless side excels in disguise techniques, a spy could join forces with the law breakers and remain obscure.
     The aforementioned problem is bad enough, but another difficulty is said to be a mounting dilemma. Once one of those spies has reached the end of their viable cover, they are “killed off” and given a new identity, and the same process is repeated, over and over, until they either retire, are killed by the dark side, or are too worn out to continue. The anonymous operative stated that depending upon what the spy knows about government, chances vary as to whether or not the government itself will simply murder the spy, especially if that person has rebelled, bilked too many people or is a risk of exposing too much government corruption and collusion with the criminal side and other nations.
     Sometimes, a very clever operator will groom, prepare and use a specially trained stand-in, allowing their rookie to be blamed for actually being that spy. Those spies are allegedly made over physically at times, via surgery and such, as well as being so well ingrained in their role that they truly believe they are the person whose false identity they are portraying. Some are trained so “hard” in the remaking of personality that it could be called a brainwashing.

     Dear Sirs,
                         I am Henry Jones, doing some other covert tasks, relaying information both from myself and Todd A. Slee. He has said he has to proceed very carefully, once I talked him into continuing on with this task he has relegated to me to relay. Slee should have a certain agent who handles his reports.
     He relayed at work last night (03/13/17) to Autumn Cotterman that he needed to go home and transfer some literary work to a flash drive. This was after walking down an aisle, in sight of her and scrutinizing a flash drive he he was holding. At clock out time, he was a few minutes past 1 am on the 14th, and it appeared that Autumn was prompted by a friend to walk out into the aisle from the lockers, just as Slee was walking toward the clock, though she normally leaves right away. She clocked out, and did a sort of curtsy, then her and her friend walked north through the building to go to the parking lot and presumably go home. For that Slee said that he will intimate or allude that he emailed some of the reports he's sent you fellows, to Sheriff Bob Land, and let all of you deal with what, if any info, is shown to Autumn, as it appears that she is interested. Perhaps Justin Allin or Mike Smith could be of assistance there. Slee stated that during the work day, he asked a co-worker who is a friend of Autumn's, if she ever talked to Bob; she asked Bob who, he said Land, his sheriff. It is believed that it was relayed to Autumn, both events stated here emphasizing [intimating] that she needed to go to him for info.

     Slee went to Walmart and shopped, then did a drive around at a prompt by likely operatives. He then stopped to get gas, then proceeded to Pik A Sak (right name?) to ask for a map. Pulling up, a female pulled in right before him in a newer, black Chevy? Car and went into the store. She was 5' 4”, 120 pounds, long (1/3 of way down back), light to medium brown hair w/burnt orange tints, wearing a sock cap, tennis shoes, blue jeans and jacket. Slee believed it to be Autumn in disguise. They did not speak to each other but she made a slight gesture which seemed to suggest that she knew him, also performing body language suggestive of being sneaky toward the ISP at Peru, IN, for good or bad who knows. She then left before Slee exited the store. Slee failed to get a license pl. number.

     Slee said he senses, does not know, that he is being watched from his neighbor to the south, Denver, possibly by Autumn or a proxy, or both, at times.

     Slee saw Makayla Misilli reveal an overt disguise technique at work to him. He believes her to be good, and an operative for likely you people. Concerning Autumn, he believes she could be on the up and up, but maybe not. He believes that she is probably full bore one way or the other. She smiles at him in sight of others, but has shunned him near the lockers, after standing for a moment, as if expecting him to talk. He said hi one day, and she then turned off like a light switch and walked off. Previous to that, she did that and he just stood there, not knowing what to say, and was very tired that time. He figures she is just using him to try and obtain data. He has to be careful, for the employer does not put up with much which strays from the work there, but he seems to be establishing a base of confidants.

     Slee isn't sure whether there is an association already between Autumn/proxy and Sheriff Land or not. She could already be operating there as an informant, unknown to him. Good or bad, don't know.


     To Henry:

     Tonight (03/14/17) at work, a white male, 5'11" tall, 190 pounds, close cropped hair or bald, full beard about 6" long, black, started to approach me, with a friendly look on his face. I checked him with a sharp look then looked away. He passed by me and I asked how he was doing; he said okay and asked how I was, to which I replied okay, and he walked on. he works there, as I've seen him there before, presumably full time. I'm not sure but he may be Blaze Cotterman, Autumn's husband, ex-husband or fiance. The way he was starting to approach, and the way he previously looked when sitting in the break room, is quite suggestive and indicative of when a cop or fed sends them to introduce themselves, as a meeting to check each other out before working together.
     The first time was probably right after I looked them up online, as someone is always watching and does that. I wanted to check other things out first, and didn't want Autumn to see me talking to him, if it was Blaze.
     This morning after work, I went to the Kosk. Co. jail to see if Blaze is currently incarcerated, and they said no, and I think they said there's no arrest record (maybe he didn't get arrested in that county, I dont know, haven't done much of a records check). The county sheriff dept. in Warsaw said about the same thing. Someone I talked to over the intercom at the city police seemed to know me; sounded familiar; one of the females.
     Anyway, I'd say something's going on, and it sounds like I am being summoned by someone to check things out, or else sleuth to my death. I could maybe go seat of the pants and check things out, but I'll leave it to you people to set things up if you want to. Some verbal communication is needed, or else we might as well be swinging from vines and eating bananas all day.
     Autumn cold shouldered me, in her acting out coming toward me and passing me in the opposite direction; it's part of the constitutional being able to confront your accuser(s) thing. later, when I went into the room where she works, to consult with someone about a part, she smiled and laughed. Fine and dandy, but we are not participating in a pantomime show (tomorrow she'll do sigh language at me or something, like a pantomime).
     If you all want to get it on, let's proceed. I told the sheriff dept. my name and that's all; I told the city police attendant I talked to I had something going on with the feds, and they might be in, plus my name. In hindsight, hope I didn't blow it.
     Sounds like Blaze and Autumn and proxies got caught up in something and may need assistance getting out. I'm game.

     Someone called me on my other phone from 928-599-0012, 03/14/17 at 10:54 am. I called back a little while ago. but got a busy tone. I have no idea who it is.

     I've been doing the drive arounds, hope it's working.

     I had a dilemma at work for a couple of hours, and tried not to let it show, but people noticed, and I said I was fine. I was thinking about Johnny "Mike" Spann, and was simply overwhelmed. I think it's the same guy I met in '94. Hoener set it up, and we met. He was a CIA op and his name was Mike. He looked into some of the stuff I reported to the feds, part of which was this very thing I've been taslking about. Then he got called away, and I think he still did some checking when he could, plus put other guys on it, but couldn't do much, having more important things to do. If I remember right, Hoener called me later, after I was back in Indiana, and told me Mike had been killed, in Afghanistan, and I think he said it was fighting the Taliban, which group I had never heard of. Rather distressed me; he was one of those few who you just instantly and naturally liked, good heart. I thought it was earlier than '01, or whatever the news said, but evidently not if it was the same one. I would like to contact his dad and tell him that, in case it might help him to find what he is looking for. This thing, if we're going to do it, is right: Mike would, and did, do it for us.

                                                               Todd A. Slee

     To Henry:

     Tonight (03/14/17) at work, a white male, 5'11" tall, 190 pounds, close cropped hair or bald, full beard about 6" long, black, started to approach me, with a friendly look on his face. I checked him with a sharp look then looked away. He passed by me and I asked how he was doing; he said okay and asked how I was, to which I replied okay, and he walked on. he works there, as I've seen him there before, presumably full time. I'm not sure but he may be Blaze Cotterman, Autumn's husband, ex-husband or fiance. The way he was starting to approach, and the way he previously looked when sitting in the break room, is quite suggestive and indicative of when a cop or fed sends them to introduce themselves, as a meeting to check each other out before working together.
     The first time was probably right after I looked them up online, as someone is always watching and does that. I wanted to check other things out first, and didn't want Autumn to see me talking to him, if it was Blaze.
     This morning after work, I went to the Kosk. Co. jail to see if Blaze is currently incarcerated, and they said no, and I think they said there's no arrest record (maybe he didn't get arrested in that county, I dont know, haven't done much of a records check). The county sheriff dept. in Warsaw said about the same thing. Someone I talked to over the intercom at the city police seemed to know me; sounded familiar; one of the females.
     Anyway, I'd say something's going on, and it sounds like I am being summoned by someone to check things out, or else sleuth to my death. I could maybe go seat of the pants and check things out, but I'll leave it to you people to set things up if you want to. Some verbal communication is needed, or else we might as well be swinging from vines and eating bananas all day.
     Autumn cold shouldered me, in her acting out coming toward me and passing me in the opposite direction; it's part of the constitutional being able to confront your accuser(s) thing. later, when I went into the room where she works, to consult with someone about a part, she smiled and laughed. Fine and dandy, but we are not participating in a pantomime show (tomorrow she'll do sigh language at me or something, like a pantomime).
     If you all want to get it on, let's proceed. I told the sheriff dept. my name and that's all; I told the city police attendant I talked to I had something going on with the feds, and they might be in, plus my name. In hindsight, hope I didn't blow it.
     Sounds like Blaze and Autumn and proxies got caught up in something and may need assistance getting out. I'm game.

     Someone called me on my other phone from 928-599-0012, 03/14/17 at 10:54 am. I called back a little while ago. but got a busy tone. I have no idea who it is.

     I've been doing the drive arounds, hope it's working.

     I had a dilemma at work for a couple of hours, and tried not to let it show, but people noticed, and I said I was fine. I was thinking about Johnny "Mike" Spann, and was simply overwhelmed. I think it's the same guy I met in '94. Hoener set it up, and we met. He was a CIA op and his name was Mike. He looked into some of the stuff I reported to the feds, part of which was this very thing I've been taslking about. Then he got called away, and I think he still did some checking when he could, plus put other guys on it, but couldn't do much, having more important things to do. If I remember right, Hoener called me later, after I was back in Indiana, and told me Mike had been killed, in Afghanistan, and I think he said it was fighting the Taliban, which group I had never heard of. Rather distressed me; he was one of those few who you just instantly and naturally liked, good heart. I thought it was earlier than '01, or whatever the news said, but evidently not if it was the same one. I would like to contact his dad and tell him that, in case it might help him to find what he is looking for. This thing, if we're going to do it, is right: Mike would, and did, do it for us.

     I saw three women at work who sort of briefly showed themselves; I presume they're yours, or else Autumn's, one a tall blonde, I think day shift. I did, the other day, maybe forgetting to tell you guys, mention to Riley and to one other person, that I was trying to recruit Autumn/proxies for either CIA or FBI. I don't know if word got to her or not (got to be more careful there). I know of one way to maybe more thoroughly feel her, or whoever all, out: enlist the aid of some gals from Wabash like Crissy Sluss and Anna Davis (or proxy). I have to make a judgment call, though: she is just pulling stunts and being in the way. However, she may be the key to undermining a nefarious operation. If I get to doing disguise and checking other things out, I might be able to get at it via other avenues. Someone is seriously undermining things they ought not.

                                                               Todd A. Slee

     Slee says that Autumn sometimes reminds him of a woman named Diane, who worked at Eagle Picher in Huntington, IN. Slee worked there in 1993, and uncovered a stolen car parts ring, while helping out Greg Hedrick, receiving harassment by the FBI, presumably for so doing. Diane and a few others caused Slee some difficulty and ultimately gothim fired. He was interested in Diane, and she did the same thing to him as Autumn does: warming up then shunning. Reports about that situation were submitted to the Co. Spgs., CO FBI by Slee when he went there in 1994 and joined with them. The factory eventually got closed down, and the owner went to Slee, probably around 1997-98, telling him the FBI had shut it down. There didn't seem to be a reason for that, even though many employees were involved in some illegal doings. Slee said that when he called Hoener on it, Hoener didn't deny they had ruined the business, but treated it like commonplace, even stating that they do it all the time. Slee said the first time he saw Autumn at his workplace, she resembled Diane quite a bit, and guesses that Diane may be a proxy, possibly being run, maybe ragged, by the FBI. There were several key figures who were culprits at Eagle Picher, including a female supervisor who was over Slee, a short, pretty, auburn colored hair woman, maybe named Ann, but Slee couldn't remember the name and didn't have time to look up notes.

     Slee, though unsure of the ethical status of Autumn, does see a strong possibility that she, and others, are basically trapped in what they're into, bound by a secrecy oath, and are demonstrating so that someone can help them out. This would play along with what Hoener/other FBI did some years ago: enlisting the aid of the mafia to help thwart the "underground" "militia" type group, and pressured, coerced or forced certain people to assist, probably going on to infiltratr them into the mafia. However, Slee has some question as to the authenticity of the FBI's claims to actually be trying to stop the mafia, maybe instead using them as a sort of tool by which to subdue entities which are standing in the way of the FBI's quest for more power. Practically everyone Slee has named to the FBI as a culprit, has appeared to have gone to work for them, probably under partly ulterior motive by the FBI. On the other hand, Slee has seen similar ploys, where they made it look like they were seeking help, and really just uncovering under covers and infiltrating. Could also be a ploy by which to get certain people hit. Slee also says, and not to be disrespectful, it could even be a ploy by certain CIA personnel by which to either eliminate or recruit certain people. Nonetheless, Slee is good with it, and good with Autumn and her bunch, if they're legit. He also says that if she is interested in anything personal-wise, she better get on with it, because he isn't waiting.

     On a funny note, Slee says he thinks you guys are getting his reports as he writes them, which is actually the very computer I'm using at the moment. I stop in at his place from time to time, and last time I borrowed his laptop. Sure seems to be tricky getting to his porch without anyone seeing you.

     Slee says he may have spotted Autumn/proxy (same one as last night) at 12:46, in Roann, walking with a tall fellow, up the main drag from the gas station. There are cameras in town, if you didn't know that.

     Concerning the little show at Steak & Shake in Warsaw, Slee says that there was in there, who he believes is an FBI agent, he believes doing good, and may be over that female he saw in there, with who resembled his niece. he didn't want to say in the other report, because he saw signs of wrong people getting the info.

     Slee wonders if Autumn/proxy/associates doesn't have phone tracking ability. He is going to start taking his 5743066924 phone with him.


                               Thanks, Henry

     If state cops are helping with what you guys are doing, I could say that I'm reporting to them, and work some things up front like that, so nobody knows who I'm really relaying info to, other than the other CIA people, of which I now detect quite a few, if I can rely upon quips from my reports to reveal that, which I can't always.

     One way to draw someone out could be done as such: via the code word system, the person who wants to, say, know who I'm with, or who someone is with, could be clued to meet a couple or few people somewhere, and if those people were feds posing as mafia or something, the recipient could be scared enough to reveal what they are up to.

     A few days or week or so ago, a female walked through, who looked something like Candi [Richardson] Eltzroth of Wabash County, except taller than normal and fuller, and may have been. The aura about her was a dead giveaway to me that she is with law enforcement, maybe the DOJ. Like I said, some bad guys can definitely perceive that.

     Another way to determine what someone is about, is to have a person they may or may not like, pose as being drunk in some bar, and then leave; see what the person does, whether they report them, or try to get others not to, or what.

     I seen who I believe is Alexis, twice after initially meeting her. If so, she is likely one of yours or some other esoteric agency. I see these ops and such, and often say something to them, but I am at a loss what to do. Do I talk with them, to make sure they're ops, and then reveal who I'm talking to, or just acknowledge them and no more, for dear of blowing their cover?

     The Cryptographic Form of Communication
                         Used By the “Underground”, Investigated By the F.B.I. In 1994-95

     This is a short thesis explaining what the form of communication is and how it works, which the F.B.I. Began investigating in 1994, allegedly being unaware of it and it's use prior to that. There are multiple references available which substantiate the existence of this cryptographic language, but for purposes of simplicity and due to current time constraints, it will be expounded upon in a straight forward and un-technical manner.
     There are traditionally two forms of known methods of communication between humans: words expressed by voice and/or writing, and; sign language. Both of these are merely interaction of certain body parts, combining to create a comprehensible way of understanding what is being conveyed.
     Unknown intellectually to some, yet understood and acknowledged to most all, perhaps unconsciously to most, there is yet another form of this “language”, which falls partly into the spiritual realm, which intangible phenomenon is realized by believers in a God and atheists alike, and indeed by animals, and is separate from the spiritual realm associated with the Christian experience.
     Science recognizes two main forms of the spiritual realm: the paranormal and the supernatural. Science debunks the paranormal, while acknowledging that the supernatural is indeed an actual world, yet not explainable by science. The word supernatural literally means 'above science'.
     Psychology admits that there is a spiritual realm, while not necessarily crediting an Almighty with being the creator of that invisible world. Psychology realizes that not only do humans respond to unseen forces, but animals do as well.
     The spiritual world is manifested in various ways. A man arrives home and wishes to kiss his wife or girlfriend and give her a hug, but as he is starting to do so, something not seen prevents him, and then she darts away, explaining that she has a headache. A little boy sneaks into the kitchen to steal some cookies, and just as he opens the jar, ever so silently, something pricks his senses and he cringes, being aware of some kind of presence. And then, his mother sternly calls to him from another room, still sitting in her chair, “Johnny, what are you doing?” An employee does something at work which is forbidden, and for some reason, he feels remorseful. Why is this?
     A trainer has spent much time training his dog, including things which it ought not to do, such as getting into the trash. One day, the dog walks into the kitchen, and as it goes towards the trash can, the master sticks his head around the corner, not making a noise, and glares at the dog, the result being that the dog cringes and stops. What told the dog to refrain? After all, the dog couldn't have had time to smell the change in the master's scent, which does change with frame of mind or mood.
     If no spiritual realm at all exists, then who do humans, and even animals, mourn when a loved one dies or is down and out? Why do mammals become happy at seeing something which pleases them? How can people be joyous and laughing one minute, and when a gloomy person enters the room, suddenly fall silent and become morose? What causes a person to feel uncomfortable when it becomes clear that they are in a setting which illustrates that they are very out of place? How would a rock feel if placed on a table in a bakery, or would it feel anything at all? There is no tangibly evident reason for many of the frames of mind or emotion which people fall into, and only one explanation exists as to why inanimate objects feel nothing no matter what, and living beings do: a spiritual, or unseen, realm of some sort.
    Going on, Christians believe that we are influenced and directed by spirits, both good and evil, and Native Americans and other indigenous folks have always acknowledged that a spirit world exists. But how does this all tie in with an unspoken language which largely lacks any visible motion such as signs with hands and such?
     Scientists claim that humans have a main scent, but which changes some as the person's mood changes. This is why a dog reacts unfavorably when it approaches a person or animal which is afraid of that dog, causing to dog to go into chase and prey drive. You might properly describe that as a certain aura, or spirit, not exactly an angelic-like being, either good or bad, but yet an unseen “force”, which influences and/or directs. These kinds of things a dog, and other animals, detect, quite acutely, though not necessarily consciously, as far as recognizing it as such. Dogs also detect extremely slight changes in a handler's posture or movement.
     One task I train my dogs to do is to stop and wait on command. Both of those commands are executed from a walking movement. The dogs know that so well that just as soon as I think to give one of those commands, they instantly do so. I used to think that it was a case of a dog being able to read my mind. I have since found out that it is because a dog recognizes the very slight body movements, or cues, which precede any given command, and respond accordingly.
     Humans recognize and respond to similar movements, or change of movements, and cues, though not nearly as precisely. For example, when someone walks up to you and spreads their arms, it is conveyed that they want a hug. When an employee knows a routine at work well, and fails to perform some task, he or she automatically knows to go do so when the boss casts a certain look or even has a particular demeanor. And many such other things are also evident.
     I do believe that some of those things, especially in a human, are of a spiritual nature, but not all are. Some can be explained by certain vibrations emanating from the other person, which are merely extensions of thought.
     With any given action, there is, accompanying it, a certain spirit, aura or set of vibrations which spring from the immediate environment surrounding that set of doings. There is a distinct difference between a work environment and a casual one such as at a party or when at home lounging. Some companies have parties at the place of employ. Certainly the aura, or spirit, is an entirely different one than when conducting the business of the day.
     If you notice, there is a different aura between a civilian, a police officer, a businessman, a politician, a farmer, a private investigator and an FBI agent. Different auras are present with each, and actually help to complete the required tasks. Whether these different, immediate environments are some type of spirits, auras or set of vibrations could be subject to some interpretation, but they do indeed exist.
     It is easy to recognize the difference between a woman who is ready to make love and one who is “cold” and cranky. An angry man is evident from a happy one, even if each has the same expression on his face and posture. Something unseen reveals the nature of each situation. What, if the spiritual does not exist, tells someone that one person is conning them and another is sincere? Why, in some instances, does it seem right to veer from someone who has no angry expression and company with another who has a perpetual frown on their face? What tells us that some person's smile is false?
     Taking these things into account assures us that people can communicate via means other than speaking or utilizing hand signals?
     People can actually create a particular “setting” or mood, by thought and action combined, which is called seducing of spirits in the Bible. Again, this is also explained in part by vibrations emitted from the human body which change according to thought and mood. Take a teacher which is very strict and demanding, making the students tense and uptight, compared with an easy going, happy go lucky instructor which results in a relaxed atmosphere.
     Dogs can be conditioned, illustrated by Pavlov and his dogs, to act a certain way, first by traditional training, and eventually by body language and demeanor, even unseen by the human eye. Humans also can be conditioned in like manner. Does the spouse who is caught in bed with a lover need have it explained that the other spouse is angry?
     There are those who have taken all of these factors and turned them into an art form, using certain methods and such by which to direct and control others.
      This is part of the cryptographic methods used by the underground by which to communicate to one another, easy to understand once the basics are understood. In a nutshell, once a person is conditioned to recognize what a leader's moods intend for the “recipient” to do, coupled with key words and quips, it is not difficult to see how a person can be trained to react and do without any real verbal instruction.

     Looking back and deducting from just prior experiences, I've come to a conclusion as to what is going on within a specific realm.
     The local and state police, and even some of the FBI, as well as some personnel of esoteric agencies other than CIA, are utilizing the system of the “code word” cryptology system (key words and quips), intermingled with body language and innuendo, to cause hidden operatives to expose themselves, in order to take control of those operatives. Criminal personnel not government also do so.
     The way they do this is to throw those phrases, key words and intimations at people, behind an ulterior motive of causing the operative to believe that those persons are wanting someone to confide in about nefarious or questionable activity, the locals and state having some former operatives with them.
     But in a nutshell, it boils down to everyone of them, with few exceptions, having the mindset of Nimrod, who wanted a one world order, and what most of the population wants is a oneness within their own little region or sphere, under the protocol of earthiness only, a sentimentally sensuous state of being, partly because society is lazy, does not want to excel, and does not want to see others excel, due to envy; not covetousness [jealousy], but envy. Wabash County is the worst about it.  
     One major reason they desire that is because they view anything strict and disciplined as one world order, big brother, totalitarianism, antichrist, not realizing that the Communists love that, implementing that mindset and aura as a tool by which to keep the masses subdued. Most people, so long as they have an income, a home, a car and a television, do not care about anything else.
     This mindset and aura is manifested in most of the churches in America these days. They hate what is called the Holy Spirit, an “aura” of the true doctrine, and would rather be haphazard and slack. The churches have always played a major part in how politics and legislations are created and played out, due to the vast influence of the church. That is good and fine, so long as the church is actually abiding by true dogma, but it is not. 80 churches in Wabash County, and they may as well be Buddhist or Hindu temples; we'd likely be better off.
     The churches have become a “good 'ole boys club”, largely, scratching each other's backs and showing sentimental favoritism, instead of exercising true precepts and concepts. Many in the church are castigated and ostracized, who uphold and promulgate all of the true doctrines. Thus the erroneous thinking of a society which is churchy, but not so much actual Christian. The icing on that dung cake is a liberal sprinkling of Freudian protocols implemented by the church, which upsets a necessary balance.
     Those locals are much more clever than anyone thinks. The way to discover the truth of what I'm saying is to incorporate a number of experienced operatives, and a few inexperienced (or good actors) into any given area, letting the inexperienced and/or actors be discovered and ushered into the local and state informants' pool, while the hidden ones remain hidden. You will see how it works and just how they operate.
     It's ironic that from '94 to the early 2000s, but especially during the nineties, that the only people who encouraged me to clean up, read my Bible and find a good church, were FBI and CIA people: the most holy members of the church are who cast me and others down the most, encouraging us to remain wayward and not become better people in any way, at least by their demeanors, character and lack of encouragement. They all down me for exposing church and government corruption, but if you read the old prophets, seldom did they have much good to say about the church [temple] of the time. Likewise, all of those old sayings are manifested now. I know these people well, some of whom are my own Pharisaical family members, who laugh about drug addicts and others on their plight, rather than doing anything to help them.
     Now, I may have a female operative, who is the best, to meet sometime in the next few weeks, or else a hooker. I don't care which. If anything relevant, I'll let ya know. Guard your secrets well!

     P.S. I got fired from Biomet (can't remember if I notified you guys yet or not) early Friday morning. They either lied to Jessica Fought or she lied to me. She said I was canned for quality issues and attendance issues, both quite false. I never missed a day and was never late, plus my production parts were all good, as well as my numbers. They can burn as far as I'm concerned. I don't think Jessica is at fault, just some of the love children of Biomet.

                                                                                        Thanks, Todd A. Slee
                                                                                         Disgruntled Prick


     I just left Bob Land a message, that since I'm now without an income, and since no one has gotten in touch with me over my reports, I'm just gonna fold. There's too many people who have been filled in anyway, I think.
     If I'm correct, and that woman with whom I've been chatting is a CIA operative, and she really is going to meet with me, or someone is, then it might be a go. But if the signs I'm seeing are correct, and it turns into sort of a community project, then I'm not continuing. There needs to be very few who know about an operation, otherwise it will be a waste of time and a misallocation of resources, because it will be used by most of the people as a means by which to perpetuate misdirected, sentimental desires, effectively ridding the communities of people who truly know what is going on, setting everyone else up as social puppets, by virtue of social pressure.
     That woman did tell me when she'd meet with me, so if she does, we'll get something going, but otherwise, I don't need to waste you people's time, or mine. I'm either going to do things the right way, or not at all.

                                                                                                                             Thanks, Todd A. Slee





I also have another video from her, which was alarming to me. It suggested, strongly, that she or who I believe is a second with whom I'd been chatting on 'Hangouts', was the victim of a forced participation in a pornography ring. We can't post videos on Godaddy, other than by using Youtube or such, so I will get on it.

The pic below is one of the last ones Rose sent to me, The nose and lips are synonymous with the woman on the Facebook photos of Rose Jessy, to the right. The one on the far right seems out of uniformity with the 2 to the left, but may be the same as the 2 above.

To get ahead of the article a bit, the team of ops is/was comprised of, I believe, 5 women and 2 men. Later, some under covers with likely the I.S.P. got involved, and the original 5 may be as well. There are indications that members of the Wabash Free Will Baptist Church on Erie St., Wabash, IN, are involved as well. Some of those have undermined a number of constitutional endeavors by both myself, and the F.B.I., and are/have been nefariously involved with corrupt cops and U.S. Marshals, formerly with rogue C.I.A. and later, F.B.I. people, who put them to work instead of charging them with conspiracy to commit murder (i.e., Helen Sesco and possibly Virginia Sesco Crace (1998; they tried twice; my fault for allowing leniency, but no more)). They have also been tied in with I.S.P. and Wabash City Police (1992 and beyond), often using the government to quash those who disagree with some of their church doctrine.

     They were involved with the C.I.A. during the nineties, and possibly during the eighties, but to my knowledge were cast out due to being well below C.I.A. standards of integrity. Same thing occurred in the nineties with the F.B.I.; they failed to maintain and practice F.B.I. integrity standards (sometimes that's pretty bad)

REVISED ON 11/05/2017; REVISED 11/16/2017

The pic below is supposed to be the same person as in the one to the immediate far left, but I believe that is questionable, because one day near Warsaw, IN, I saw the woman below, and one who I believe is the one to the right [likely clever use of proxies]. As this article progresses, things will become both more clear in some regards, and more obscure and muddled in others.

This one has been on a Sara Mack 'Facebook Profile' page, but has also been on a Rose Jessy page as well.

This one below, I'm not sure of, but may be the same as the other two pics of Sara Mack, to the left of and below the photo just below this writing.










Copyright 2013. Slee Canine Training & Security. All rights reserved.

This one below, could very well be the woman who worked at Video Unlimited, Wabash, IN, on N. Cass St., during 1998-99, a former culprit who most law enforcement and D.O.J. entities in the region are aware of, quite so. If she's doing good, she can be key in Constitutional agendas. If not...